On 8/31/21 3:51 PM, Peter Delevoryas wrote:
> I’ll resend PATCH 5, and like you’re suggesting, I can use the existing 
> ast2600-evb machine type for testing.
>     # Setup serial_hd(1) as UART1 in 2600 SoC realize (I won’t include this 
> in the diff though)
>     UART5=serial_hd(0)
>     UART1=serial_hd(1)
>     qemu-system-arm -machine ast2600-evb -serial null -serial stdio

yes. that's one way to do it. But it's a bit hacky. 

On the other hand, if we were to initialize all 5 UARTs, the user would 
have to add 4 "-serial null" devices to use UART5 as a console (and none 
for UART1). Which is not that good for a user API. We added the 'macs_mask' 
for a similar reason btw.

I think your proposal plus the extra SoC property is better though. 

Thanks for testing.


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