Hi Gerd,

>   Hi,
> >      dmabuf->buf.fd = res->dmabuf_fd;
> > +    dmabuf->buf.blob = true;
> Do you actually need the 'blob' field?
> I think checking 'fd' instead should work too.
[Kasireddy, Vivek] I want these changes to be limited to blob resources only as 
I do not
know how they might affect other use-cases or whether they are needed there or 
not. I
don't think I can rely on fd as vfio/display.c also populates the fd field:
    dmabuf = g_new0(VFIODMABuf, 1);
    dmabuf->dmabuf_id  = plane.dmabuf_id;
    dmabuf->buf.width  = plane.width;
    dmabuf->buf.height = plane.height;
    dmabuf->buf.stride = plane.stride;
    dmabuf->buf.fourcc = plane.drm_format;
    dmabuf->buf.modifier = plane.drm_format_mod;
    dmabuf->buf.fd     = fd;

Therefore, I need a way to identify a dmabuf that is associated with blobs vs 


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