VS interrupts (2, 6, 10) were not correctly forwarded to hs-mode when
not delegated in hideleg (which was not being taken into account). This
was mainly because hs level sie was not always considered enabled when
it should. The spec states that "Interrupts for higher-privilege modes,
y>x, are always globally enabled regardless of the setting of the global
yIE bit for the higher-privilege mode." and also "For purposes of
interrupt global enables, HS-mode is considered more privileged than
VS-mode, and VS-mode is considered more privileged than VU-mode".

These interrupts should be treated the same as any other kind of
exception. Therefore, there is no need to "force an hs exception" as the
current privilege level, the state of the global ie and of the
delegation registers should be enough to route the interrupt to the
appropriate privilege level in riscv_cpu_do_interrupt. Also, these
interrupts never target m-mode, which is  guaranteed by the hardwiring
of the corresponding bits in mideleg.

Signed-off-by: Jose Martins <josemartin...@gmail.com>
Alistair, I sent the previous version of this patch a year ago (!).        
After our brief exchange on wether we should considered HS a higher        
privilege mode than VS (the spec was updated to clarify this in the        
meantime) you asked me for a small last tweak  before accepting            
the patch. This completely slipped my mind, and I only noticed I hadn't    
submitted the final version of the patch a few weeks ago. For this, my     
apologies. When I took a deeper look at it again, I found some other issues
with the patch so I decided to go for a deeper refactoring.                     

 target/riscv/cpu_helper.c | 28 ++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/target/riscv/cpu_helper.c b/target/riscv/cpu_helper.c
index 21c54ef561..592d4642be 100644
--- a/target/riscv/cpu_helper.c
+++ b/target/riscv/cpu_helper.c
@@ -38,36 +38,24 @@ int riscv_cpu_mmu_index(CPURISCVState *env, bool ifetch)
 static int riscv_cpu_local_irq_pending(CPURISCVState *env)
-    target_ulong irqs;
+    target_ulong virt_enabled = riscv_cpu_virt_enabled(env);
     target_ulong mstatus_mie = get_field(env->mstatus, MSTATUS_MIE);
     target_ulong mstatus_sie = get_field(env->mstatus, MSTATUS_SIE);
-    target_ulong hs_mstatus_sie = get_field(env->mstatus_hs, MSTATUS_SIE);
-    target_ulong pending = env->mip & env->mie &
-                               ~(MIP_VSSIP | MIP_VSTIP | MIP_VSEIP);
-    target_ulong vspending = (env->mip & env->mie &
-                              (MIP_VSSIP | MIP_VSTIP | MIP_VSEIP));
+    target_ulong pending = env->mip & env->mie;
     target_ulong mie    = env->priv < PRV_M ||
                           (env->priv == PRV_M && mstatus_mie);
     target_ulong sie    = env->priv < PRV_S ||
                           (env->priv == PRV_S && mstatus_sie);
-    target_ulong hs_sie = env->priv < PRV_S ||
-                          (env->priv == PRV_S && hs_mstatus_sie);
+    target_ulong hsie   = virt_enabled || sie;
+    target_ulong vsie   = virt_enabled && sie;
-    if (riscv_cpu_virt_enabled(env)) {
-        target_ulong pending_hs_irq = pending & -hs_sie;
-        if (pending_hs_irq) {
-            riscv_cpu_set_force_hs_excep(env, FORCE_HS_EXCEP);
-            return ctz64(pending_hs_irq);
-        }
-        pending = vspending;
-    }
-    irqs = (pending & ~env->mideleg & -mie) | (pending &  env->mideleg & -sie);
+    target_ulong irqs =
+            (pending & ~env->mideleg & -mie) |
+            (pending &  env->mideleg & ~env->hideleg & -hsie) |
+            (pending &  env->mideleg &  env->hideleg & -vsie);
     if (irqs) {
         return ctz64(irqs); /* since non-zero */

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