On 19/01/21 22:34, Peter Maydell wrote:
We used to default to 'pause' and now we default to 'poweroff'.

We noticed this because it broke an in-flight test case for
the pvpanic-pci device from Mihai (which was expecting to see
the device in 'pause' state and found it was now in 'poweroff').
Test cases aren't very exciting, but was it really intentional
to change the default behaviour? It's part of the user-facing
surface of QEMU, so if we did intend a default change that ought
really to be more clearly stated (and noted in the Changelog) I think.

To sum up the difference:

1) before, without -no-shutdown:
{"event": "GUEST_PANICKED", "data": {"action": "pause"}}
{"event": "STOP"}
{"event": "GUEST_PANICKED", "data": {"action": "poweroff"}}
{"event": "SHUTDOWN", "data": {"guest": true, "reason": "guest-panic"}}

after, without -no-shutdown:
{"event": "GUEST_PANICKED", "data": {"action": "poweroff"}}
{"event": "STOP"}
{"event": "SHUTDOWN", "data": {"guest": true, "reason": "guest-panic"}}

2) before, with -no-shutdown:
{"event": "GUEST_PANICKED", "data": {"action": "pause"}}
{"event": "STOP"}

after, with -no-shutdown (aka -action panic=pause,shutdown=pause):
{"event": "GUEST_PANICKED", "data": {"action": "pause"}}
{"event": "STOP"}

I think the new behavior without -no-shutdown is (albeit not intentionally) preferrable, since QEMU used to report twice that the guest panicked.

Looking again at the -action CLI, though, there are some inconsistencies in the naming. I'll send a patches for them, but they will not affect the HMP output.


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