I am going to apply patches 1-3, so that I can play with doing the
final deployment via gitlab pipelines.

On Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 2:20 PM Daniel P. Berrangé <berra...@redhat.com> wrote:
> This is a v2 of:
>   https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2020-10/msg07025.html
> This series started off as a desire to add an "Edit page" link to every
> page on the site. In doing this I felt that the footer would benefit
> from simplication so that it was not a massive wall of links,
> duplicating links elsewhere in the navigation or content pages. Then
> after response to v1, I realized that the home page actually needed
> alot more design work to better present information to contributors
> immediately.
> The key theme was to ensure that the home page of the website has all
> the important information available on screen without requiring the
> user to scroll down or otherwise search for it.
> I also add gitlab CI jobs so that users can push a branch to gitlab and
> then browse the rendered result.
> eg see this pipeline:
>   https://gitlab.com/berrange/qemu-web/-/pipelines/208194087
> and the rendered result of this series:
>   https://berrange.gitlab.io/qemu-web/
> Or browsable at
>   https://gitlab.com/berrange/qemu-web/-/jobs/814392582/artifacts/browse/publ=
> ic/
> Or download ZIP at
>   https://gitlab.com/berrange/qemu-web/-/jobs/814392582/artifacts/download
> notice how the resulting content needs to cope with being used from a
> variety of different paths. IOW, we cannot use absolute hyperlinks that
> assume the root is "/".  Jekyll doesn't make this easy, so we use a hack
> with a custom template that sets a variable we can then reference.
> The logical next step for this would be to accept merge requests, so
> that once the user saves their edits in gitlab, they can directly submit
> a MR, instead of sending via email.  I noticed we don't currently have a
> CONTRIBUTING.md file in qemu-web.git telling people how to submit. So
> this series includes such a file directing people to send patches via
> email for now.
> Daniel P. Berrang=C3=A9 (16):
>   Convert files to UNIX line endings
>   gitlab: introduce a CI job to publish the site content
>   make all links be relative to the root
>   Make page header nav narrower
>   Introduce support for "bxslider" jquery add on
>   Rework display of screenshots to use a carousel slider
>   Compress the two front page headings into one
>   Simplify copyright and integrate into footer
>   Put a full SFC membership blurb in footer of every page
>   Use two column layout to display screenshots and releases
>   Bring contribution links out of the footer into the home page
>   Add recent blog posts to the front page featured content
>   Move wiki link from footer into the header navbar
>   Simplify and restructure the page footer
>   Add link to "page source" for all pages
>   Add a CONTRIBUTING.md file as guidance for contributors
>  .gitlab-ci.yml                 |   16 +
>  CONTRIBUTING.md                |   32 +
>  _config.yml                    |    1 +
>  _data/screenshots.yml          |   14 +-
>  _includes/assets.html          |   32 +-
>  _includes/copyright.html       |    8 -
>  _includes/footer.html          |   33 +-
>  _includes/nav.html             |   13 +-
>  _includes/relative_root.html   |   12 +
>  _includes/screenshot.html      |    8 +-
>  _includes/sidebar.html         |    6 +-
>  _layouts/archive.html          |    4 +-
>  _layouts/blog.html             |    4 +-
>  _layouts/home.html             |    2 +-
>  _layouts/page.html             |    2 +-
>  assets/css/jquery.bxslider.css |  179 ++++
>  assets/css/style-desktop.css   |  581 ++++++------
>  assets/css/style-mobile.css    |  720 +++++++-------
>  assets/css/style.css           | 1252 +++++++++++++------------
>  assets/js/jquery.bxslider.js   | 1607 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  blog/index.html                |    4 +-
>  index.html                     |  195 ++--
>  22 files changed, 3312 insertions(+), 1413 deletions(-)
>  create mode 100644 .gitlab-ci.yml
>  create mode 100644 CONTRIBUTING.md
>  delete mode 100644 _includes/copyright.html
>  create mode 100644 _includes/relative_root.html
>  create mode 100644 assets/css/jquery.bxslider.css
>  create mode 100644 assets/js/jquery.bxslider.js
> --=20
> 2.26.2

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