On 09/04/2011 05:54 PM, Michael S. Tsirkin wrote:
> Way too late. And also won't work, since often the offset is
> determined by one party and the size by another.
For things like BARs, yes - but these don't need to be
that big normally. We could add an additinal API
that gets first/last parameters. last< first means 0 size.
Let's defer this for now.
Does PCI actually have 64-bit addresses? Note that most/all cpus don't.
We may need 65-bit arithmetic for that.
> >VGA I/O addresses (including ISA aliases address - AD[15::10] are not
> >decoded):
> >AD[9::0] = 3B0h through 3BBh and 3C0h through 3DFh
> These "not decoded" bits mean you need to instantiate tons of
> aliases to implement correctly.
> I plan to add core support for that eventually.
There's a flag to enable 16-bit decode actually:
bit 4 in bridge control register.
How does VGA work at the moment without a bridge? Ignores the ISA aliases?
then we can do that too I think.
Of course it doesn't ignore it. See the 440fx implementation, if you
disable VGA access (via the SMRAM register), vga goes away.
(vga registers its legacy space as a subregion of pci_address_space(dev))
error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function