The ecspi controller is supposed to support burst length of 1 to 4096 bits,
meaning it is possible to configure it to use a value that isn't a multiple
of 8 (to my understanding). In that case, since tx_burst is always
decremented by 8, it will underflow. Sorry I didn't include an explanation.
Should I resubmit the patch?

> >              DPRINTF("writing 0x%02x\n", (uint32_t)byte);
> > @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ static void imx_spi_flush_txfifo(IMXSPIState *s)
> >          if (fifo32_is_full(&s->rx_fifo)) {
> >              s->regs[ECSPI_STATREG] |= ECSPI_STATREG_RO;
> >          } else {
> > -            fifo32_push(&s->rx_fifo, (uint8_t)rx);
> > +            fifo32_push(&s->rx_fifo, rx);
> >          }
> >
> >          if (s->burst_length <= 0) {
> This seems like a separate change to the first one;
> in general unrelated changes should be each in their
> own patch, rather than combined into a single patch.

Should I resubmit this as a patch?

> The fifo32_push() part of this change looks correct to me.
> thanks
> -- PMM

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