Loongson-3 CPU family include Loongson-3A R1/R2/R3/R4 and Loongson-3B
R1/R2. Loongson-3A R1 is the oldest and its ISA is the smallest, while
Loongson-3A R4 is the newest and its ISA is almost the superset of all
others. To reduce complexity, in QEMU we just define two CPU types:

1, "Loongson-3A1000" CPU which is corresponding to Loongson-3A R1. It is
   suitable for TCG because Loongson-3A R1 has fewest ASE.
2, "Loongson-3A4000" CPU which is corresponding to Loongson-3A R4. It is
   suitable for KVM because Loongson-3A R4 has the VZ ASE.

Loongson-3 lacks English documents. I've tried to translated them with
translate.google.com, and the machine translated documents (together
with their original Chinese versions) are available here.

Loongson-3A R1 (Loongson-3A1000)
User Manual Part 1:
(Chinese Version)
User Manual Part 2:
(Chinese Version)

Loongson-3A R2 (Loongson-3A2000)
User Manual Part 1:
http://ftp.godson.ac.cn/lemote/Loongson3A2000_user1.pdf (Chinese Version)
User Manual Part 2:
http://ftp.godson.ac.cn/lemote/Loongson3A2000_user2.pdf (Chinese Version)

Loongson-3A R3 (Loongson-3A3000)
User Manual Part 1:
http://ftp.godson.ac.cn/lemote/Loongson3A3000_3B3000usermanual1.pdf (Chinese 
User Manual Part 2:
http://ftp.godson.ac.cn/lemote/Loongson3A3000_3B3000usermanual2.pdf (Chinese 

Loongson-3A R4 (Loongson-3A4000)
User Manual Part 1:
http://ftp.godson.ac.cn/lemote/3A4000user.pdf (Chinese Version)
User Manual Part 2:
I'm sorry that it is unavailable now.

We are preparing to add QEMU's Loongson-3 support. MIPS VZ extension is
fully supported in Loongson-3A R4+, so we at first add QEMU/KVM support
in this series. And the next series will add QEMU/TCG support (it will
emulate Loongson-3A R1).

We already have a full functional Linux kernel (based on Linux-5.4.x LTS
but not upstream yet) here:


How to use QEMU/Loongson-3?
1, Download kernel source from the above URL;
2, Build a kernel with arch/mips/configs/loongson3_{def,hpc}config;
3, Boot a Loongson-3A4000 host with this kernel;
4, Build QEMU-5.0.0 with this patchset;
5, modprobe kvm;
6, Use QEMU with TCG (available in future):
       qemu-system-mips64el -M loongson3,accel=tcg -cpu Loongson-3A1000 -kernel 
<path_to_kernel> -append ... 
   Use QEMU with KVM (available at present): 
       qemu-system-mips64el -M loongson3,accel=kvm -cpu Loongson-3A4000 -kernel 
<path_to_kernel> -append ... 

   The "-cpu" parameter can be omitted here and QEMU will use the correct type 
for TCG/KVM automatically.

Huacai Chen(7):
 configure: Add KVM target support for MIPS64
 hw/mips: Implement the kvm_type() hook in MachineClass
 hw/mips: Add CPU IRQ3 delivery for KVM
 target/mips: Add Loongson-3 CPU definition
 target/mips: Add more CP0 register for save/restor
 hw/mips: Add Loongson-3 machine support (with KVM)
 MAINTAINERS: Add myself as Loongson-3 maintainer

Signed-off-by: Huacai Chen <che...@lemote.com>
 MAINTAINERS                          |   5 +
 configure                            |   2 +-
 default-configs/mips64el-softmmu.mak |   1 +
 hw/core/Makefile.objs                |   2 +-
 hw/core/null-machine.c               |   4 +
 hw/mips/Kconfig                      |  10 +
 hw/mips/Makefile.objs                |   3 +-
 hw/mips/common.c                     |  29 ++
 hw/mips/mips_int.c                   |   6 +-
 hw/mips/mips_loongson3.c             | 886 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 include/hw/mips/mips.h               |   3 +
 target/mips/cpu.h                    |  28 ++
 target/mips/internal.h               |   2 +
 target/mips/kvm.c                    | 212 +++++++++
 target/mips/machine.c                |   6 +-
 target/mips/mips-defs.h              |   7 +-
 target/mips/translate.c              |   2 +
 target/mips/translate_init.inc.c     |  84 ++++
 18 files changed, 1281 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 hw/mips/common.c
 create mode 100644 hw/mips/mips_loongson3.c

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