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This series seems to have some coding style problems. See output below for
more information:

Subject: [PATCH v2 00/20] Add qemu-storage-daemon
Type: series

git rev-parse base > /dev/null || exit 0
git config --local diff.renamelimit 0
git config --local diff.renames True
git config --local diff.algorithm histogram
./scripts/ --mailback base..

Updating 3c8cf5a9c21ff8782164d1def7f44bd888713384
Switched to a new branch 'test'
15c7c50 qemu-storage-daemon: Add --monitor option
c659b9c monitor: Add allow_hmp parameter to monitor_init()
101c369 hmp: Fail gracefully if chardev is already in use
b8da228 qmp: Fail gracefully if chardev is already in use
9a25c79 monitor: Create QAPIfied monitor_init()
5bcc6b7 qapi: Create 'pragma' module
e63b4a1 stubs: Update monitor stubs for qemu-storage-daemon
5df46cf qemu-storage-daemon: Add --chardev option
ec67d87 qemu-storage-daemon: Add main loop
2176838 qemu-storage-daemon: Add --export option
d5531ad blockdev-nbd: Boxed argument type for nbd-server-add
43fa74c qemu-storage-daemon: Add --nbd-server option
0225824 qemu-storage-daemon: Add --object option
cfd2dad qapi: Flatten object-add
aa6c1fa qemu-storage-daemon: Add --blockdev option
db1e4ec block: Move sysemu QMP commands to QAPI block module
745dfca block: Move common QMP commands to block-core QAPI module
ee5879e block: Move system emulator QMP commands to block/qapi-sysemu.c
21f9779 stubs: Add arch_type
bec56f4 qemu-storage-daemon: Add barebone tool

1/20 Checking commit bec56f4964e3 (qemu-storage-daemon: Add barebone tool)
WARNING: added, moved or deleted file(s), does MAINTAINERS need updating?
new file mode 100644

total: 0 errors, 1 warnings, 142 lines checked

Patch 1/20 has style problems, please review.  If any of these errors
are false positives report them to the maintainer, see
2/20 Checking commit 21f97790fa55 (stubs: Add arch_type)
WARNING: added, moved or deleted file(s), does MAINTAINERS need updating?
new file mode 100644

total: 0 errors, 1 warnings, 16 lines checked

Patch 2/20 has style problems, please review.  If any of these errors
are false positives report them to the maintainer, see
3/20 Checking commit ee5879e3fd09 (block: Move system emulator QMP commands to 
WARNING: added, moved or deleted file(s), does MAINTAINERS need updating?
new file mode 100644

WARNING: Block comments use a leading /* on a separate line
#255: FILE: block/qapi-sysemu.c:222:
+        /* For tray-less devices, blockdev-open-tray is a no-op (or may not be

WARNING: Block comments use a trailing */ on a separate line
#258: FILE: block/qapi-sysemu.c:225:
+         * value passed here (i.e. false). */

WARNING: Block comments use a leading /* on a separate line
#302: FILE: block/qapi-sysemu.c:269:
+        /* For tray-less devices, blockdev-close-tray is a no-op (or may not be

WARNING: Block comments use a trailing */ on a separate line
#306: FILE: block/qapi-sysemu.c:273:
+         * value passed here (i.e. true). */

WARNING: Block comments use a leading /* on a separate line
#439: FILE: block/qapi-sysemu.c:406:
+    /* If the medium has been inserted, the device has its own reference, so

WARNING: Block comments use a trailing */ on a separate line
#441: FILE: block/qapi-sysemu.c:408:
+     * the reference must be relinquished anyway */

WARNING: Block comments use a leading /* on a separate line
#548: FILE: block/qapi-sysemu.c:515:
+        /* Enable I/O limits if they're not enabled yet, otherwise

WARNING: Block comments use a trailing */ on a separate line
#549: FILE: block/qapi-sysemu.c:516:
+         * just update the throttling group. */

total: 0 errors, 9 warnings, 1187 lines checked

Patch 3/20 has style problems, please review.  If any of these errors
are false positives report them to the maintainer, see
4/20 Checking commit 745dfca103d7 (block: Move common QMP commands to 
block-core QAPI module)
5/20 Checking commit db1e4ec67dea (block: Move sysemu QMP commands to QAPI 
block module)
6/20 Checking commit aa6c1fa307e6 (qemu-storage-daemon: Add --blockdev option)
7/20 Checking commit cfd2dadc400f (qapi: Flatten object-add)
8/20 Checking commit 0225824d841a (qemu-storage-daemon: Add --object option)
WARNING: Block comments use a leading /* on a separate line
#100: FILE: qemu-storage-daemon.c:155:
+                /* FIXME The keyval parser rejects 'help' arguments, so we must

WARNING: Block comments use a trailing */ on a separate line
#101: FILE: qemu-storage-daemon.c:156:
+                 * unconditionall try QemuOpts first. */

total: 0 errors, 2 warnings, 98 lines checked

Patch 8/20 has style problems, please review.  If any of these errors
are false positives report them to the maintainer, see
9/20 Checking commit 43fa74cb2589 (qemu-storage-daemon: Add --nbd-server option)
10/20 Checking commit d5531ad747e1 (blockdev-nbd: Boxed argument type for 
11/20 Checking commit 21768386959d (qemu-storage-daemon: Add --export option)
12/20 Checking commit ec67d87d63e9 (qemu-storage-daemon: Add main loop)
ERROR: do not initialise statics to 0 or NULL
#43: FILE: qemu-storage-daemon.c:56:
+static volatile bool exit_requested = false;

ERROR: Use of volatile is usually wrong, please add a comment
#43: FILE: qemu-storage-daemon.c:56:
+static volatile bool exit_requested = false;

total: 2 errors, 0 warnings, 40 lines checked

Patch 12/20 has style problems, please review.  If any of these errors
are false positives report them to the maintainer, see

13/20 Checking commit 5df46cf77e9f (qemu-storage-daemon: Add --chardev option)
ERROR: externs should be avoided in .c files
#63: FILE: qemu-storage-daemon.c:117:
+extern QemuOptsList qemu_chardev_opts;

total: 1 errors, 0 warnings, 67 lines checked

Patch 13/20 has style problems, please review.  If any of these errors
are false positives report them to the maintainer, see

14/20 Checking commit e63b4a1f955a (stubs: Update monitor stubs for 
WARNING: added, moved or deleted file(s), does MAINTAINERS need updating?
new file mode 100644

total: 0 errors, 1 warnings, 58 lines checked

Patch 14/20 has style problems, please review.  If any of these errors
are false positives report them to the maintainer, see
15/20 Checking commit 5bcc6b7c65a7 (qapi: Create 'pragma' module)
WARNING: added, moved or deleted file(s), does MAINTAINERS need updating?
new file mode 100644

total: 0 errors, 1 warnings, 63 lines checked

Patch 15/20 has style problems, please review.  If any of these errors
are false positives report them to the maintainer, see
16/20 Checking commit 9a25c79eb12c (monitor: Create QAPIfied monitor_init())
ERROR: space required before the open parenthesis '('
#102: FILE: monitor/monitor.c:624:
+    switch(opts->mode) {

total: 1 errors, 0 warnings, 153 lines checked

Patch 16/20 has style problems, please review.  If any of these errors
are false positives report them to the maintainer, see

17/20 Checking commit b8da22839b6d (qmp: Fail gracefully if chardev is already 
in use)
18/20 Checking commit 101c36993299 (hmp: Fail gracefully if chardev is already 
in use)
19/20 Checking commit c659b9c72c1f (monitor: Add allow_hmp parameter to 
20/20 Checking commit 15c7c5049df6 (qemu-storage-daemon: Add --monitor option)
WARNING: added, moved or deleted file(s), does MAINTAINERS need updating?
new file mode 100644

total: 0 errors, 1 warnings, 228 lines checked

Patch 20/20 has style problems, please review.  If any of these errors
are false positives report them to the maintainer, see
=== OUTPUT END ===

Test command exited with code: 1

The full log is available at
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