In some configuration (linux-user, tools) we can ignore building
various objects (and the libfdt).
Tested with all the combinations of --[enable|disable]-tools,
--[enable|disable]-user and --[enable|disable]-system using the
following commands (suggested by Laurent Vivier in v1):

  $ mkdir build
  $ cd build
  $ for user in enable disable; do \
        for tools in enable disable; do \
            for system in enable disable; do \
                rm -fr build-$user-$system-$tools && \
                mkdir build-$user-$system-$tools && \
                    (cd build-$user-$system-$tools && \
                     ../../configure \
                                     --${user}-user \
                                     --${system}-system \
                                     --${tools}-tools \
                                     --disable-docs \
                    ); \
            done; \
        done; \

Then building each of the 8 subdirectories on x86_64 and aarch64
hosts, running 'make check', and only on x86_64:
'make run-tcg-tests-x86_64-linux-user'.

All CI green:

Since v1:
- no code change, improved commit description, added review tags
- added 2 new patches touching hw/core/ (remove reset.o from linux-user)

$ git backport-diff -u v1
[----] : patches are identical
[####] : number of functional differences between upstream/downstream patch
[down] : patch is downstream-only
The flags [FC] indicate (F)unctional and (C)ontextual differences, respectively

001/6:[----] [--] 'configure: Do not build libfdt if not required'
002/6:[----] [--] 'Makefile: Clarify all the codebase requires qom/ objects'
003/6:[----] [--] 'Makefile: Restrict system emulation and tools objects'
004/6:[----] [--] 'Makefile: Remove unhelpful comment'
005/6:[down] 'hw/core: Restrict reset handlers API to system-mode'
006/6:[down] 'hw/core/Makefile: Group generic objects versus system-mode 

Supersedes: <>

Philippe Mathieu-Daudé (6):
  configure: Do not build libfdt if not required
  Makefile: Clarify all the codebase requires qom/ objects
  Makefile: Restrict system emulation and tools objects
  Makefile: Remove unhelpful comment
  hw/core: Restrict reset handlers API to system-mode
  hw/core/Makefile: Group generic objects versus system-mode objects

 configure             |  2 ++
 Makefile.objs         | 31 ++++++++++---------------------
 hw/core/Makefile.objs | 31 ++++++++++++++++---------------
 3 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)


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