> From: Aleksandar Markovic [mailto:aleksandar.m.m...@gmail.com] > > Why not implement the dump_ASM code? This is very useful... > > > > ... and time-consuming to implement, unless Michael have some > ready off-shelf code.
We already did this by taking the disassembly code from binutils: https://github.com/Dovgalyuk/qemu/blob/avr8/disas/avr.c But I'm not sure about license compatibility. > It is great that you have lots of ideas, Philippe, however I think > that it is counterproductive to suggest Michael to work on this > at this moment. Disassembler is just a debugging tool, > non-essential to core functionality, and Michael should remain > focused on completing core bits and pieces of AVR emulation. > > My 2 cents, > Aleksandar > > > Richard what is your position on this? I'd rather enforce this as a > > requirement for each ports. Pavel Dovgalyuk