Hi Aleksandar,

Thanks for explaining  helper functions for me. Before getting my hands dirty, 
I have some more  questions. After figuring them out, I can get started.

I  need to add some new registers to the CPU. In "translate.c", I found  that 
the registers are declared as static TCGv array (e.g. cpu_gpr[32]).  Then, in 
function mips_tcg_init(), cpu_gpr[i] is created one by one  with 
tcg_global_mem_new(...) in a for loop. Is that all I need to do to  add new 
registers to the CPU? I noticed another file "cpu.h", do I also  need to add my 
new registers, say, "my_gpr[32]" in "cpu.h"?

My  new instructions also include some load & stores. I see I can  implement 
them with tcg_gen_qemu_ld/st_tl(...) in the decode function's  switch-case 
statements, but I don't see how the *target* memory is  created. Shouldn't they 
be created with tcg_global_mem_new(...), just  like how the registers are 
created? I can hack the memory by creating a  *super* larger register file, and 
hack the loads & stores with  register moves, but that just sounds too sketchy.

On  the other hand, I would like to get it running first, without doing any  
modification to the source code. I can build the user space emulation  on Linux.

./configure --target-list=mips-linux-user

Then  I will write a testprogram.c, cross compile it on x86 into MIPS using  
gcc(I am not clear on how to do it, but my team has the compiler for our  new 
ISA, I just want to try the MIPS version first), and run the test  program.

./qemu testprogram

How  do I look at the contents in the target registers and memory? I saw  that 
function "mips_cpu_dump_state" in "translate.c" does what I need,  but I don't 
know how to call it in this process. Should I use gdb?

I  am really sorry for asking you so many questions, but I think after  getting 
them figured out, I can start my project. Thank you very much in  advance, and 
have a good weekend!



------------------ Original ------------------
From:  "Aleksandar Markovic";<aleksandar.m.m...@gmail.com>;
Send time: Thursday, Aug 29, 2019 10:22 PM
To: "Libo Zhou"<zhl...@foxmail.com>; 
Cc: "qemu-devel"<qemu-devel@nongnu.org>; 
Subject:  Re: [Qemu-devel] QEMU as ISS (Instruction Set Simulator)

On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 5:54 AM Libo Zhou <zhl...@foxmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Aleksandar,
> Thank you for the link to Loongson2F documentation. It has been very
> useful:)
> I have spent several days immersing myself in the source code, now I think
> I have a more solid understanding about it. Just like Loongson Multimedia
> Instructions, I need to implement some sort of complex vector instructions,
> and I need to write some helper functions (e.g. my_helper.c).
> The QEMU wiki website has very thorough explanation on TCG, but I haven't
> found any explanation on the port-specific helpers. Is there any
> documentation on how the helper functions are generated? I think now I
> *might* know how to write a working helper function, but I just don't know
> how it works.
Hello, Libo,

Prerequisite for writing a helper is that you have a clear definition of
new instruction functionality, in the sense, what operation is done on what
resources. "Resources" are registers - they could be general-purpose MIPS
registers, or some special additional registers. Did you use existing
registers, or did you define a new set or registers for your new
instructions? Registers are modeled as fields in a structure, and both
helpers and TCG implementations modify those fields while performing
instruction emulation.

In any case, you pass to the helper all information needed for the
instruction in question to perform. These are usually ordinal numbers of
involved register, derived from decoding the opcode. Alternatively, you can
pass pointers to the registers, rather than ordinal numbers. In turn, the
main part of functionality is implemented. At the end of helper, you may
want to update, let's say, a status register, if any (depending on your

The declaration of helpers is a little contrived, and may still confuse
you. But this is not crucial to you. I advise you just to copy a solution
for a similar existing instruction.


> Cheers,
> Libo
> ------------------ Original message ------------------
> *From:* "Aleksandar Markovic";
> *Sendtime:* Thursday, Aug 22, 2019 6:53 PM
> *To:* "Libo Zhou";
> *Cc:* "qemu-devel";
> *Subject:* Re: [Qemu-devel] QEMU as ISS (Instruction Set Simulator)
> On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 12:24 PM ?? <zhl...@foxmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Aleksandar,
> >
> > Thank you very much for your patient explanation in the previous post.
> And
> > thank you for checking.
> > Your and Peter's replies in the previous post certainly helped a lot. I
> am
> > now looking at a git commit 7 years ago (
> > bd277fa1966bc400f1b411f868f39125cda0c403), it was a Loongson Multimedia
> > Instruction implementation done my Richard Henderson.
> >
> Cool, that commit is a very good staring point - it is definitely not too
> simple, and it is not too complex either. And you can discover several
> different concepts in the process of exploring the change.
> Documentation on instruction set extension related to the commit (found by
> Google):
> https://files.somniafabularum.com/loongson/docs/Loongson2FUserGuide.pdf
> Be persistent, take your time, study the details and handling of individual
> instructions, and, of course, let us know if you encounter some major
> obstacles or thorny dilemmas.
> Yours,
> Aleksandar
> > I think what he did is exactly what I want to do now. I got a vague view
> > of the big picture, but I need more time to figure out the details. I
> will
> > certainly ask more questions about this later, but before that I need to
> > look at some other parts of the source code:) Again thank you for
> checking!
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Libo
> >
> >
> > ------------------ Original message ------------------
> > *From:* "Aleksandar Markovic";
> > *Sendtime:* Thursday, Aug 22, 2019 4:23 PM
> > *To:* "??";
> > *Cc:* "qemu-devel";
> > *Subject:* Re: [Qemu-devel] QEMU as ISS (Instruction Set Simulator)
> >
> > On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 12:12 PM ?? <zhl...@foxmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > I am working on a project that requires me to modify the ISA of the
> > > target.
> >
> >
> > L.,
> >
> > How is it going?
> >
> > Aleksandar
> >
> >
> >
> > > I have been staring at the source code for about a week, but found it
> > > really difficult due to me being a young rookie and the sparse
> comments.
> > > Specifically, I need to extend MIPS, by adding some new instructions
> and
> > > new CPU registers to the current architecture, and that sounds really
> > easy.
> > > I think the place for me to look at should be at the directory
> > > ${qemu_root}/target/mips/. With a MIPS Instruction Set Manual Release 6
> > > handy, I have difficulty finding the source code where the ISA resides.
> > Is
> > > it in op_helper.c? Or translate.c? Any guidance would be really
> > > appreciated. Thank you very much in advance.
> > >
> > >
> > > Cheers,
> > > L.
> >

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