Le 19/08/2019 à 23:46, Josh Kunz via Qemu-devel a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I have also experienced issues with SIGRTMIN + 1, and am interested in
> moving this patch forwards. Anything I can do here to help? Would the
> maintainers prefer myself or Marli re-submit the patch?
> The Go issue here seems particularly sticky. Even if we update the Go
> runtime, users may try and run older binaries built with older versions of
> Go for quite some time (months? years?). Would it be better to hide this
> behind some kind of build-time flag (`--enable-sigrtmin-plus-one-proxy` or
> something), so that some users can opt-in, but older binaries still work as
> expected?
> Also, here is a link to the original thread this message is in reply to
> in-case my mail-client doesn't set up the reply properly:
> https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2019-07/msg01303.html

The problem here is we break something to fix something else.

I'm wondering if the series from Aleksandar Markovic, "linux-user:
Support signal passing for targets having more signals than host" [1]
can fix the problem in a better way?

[1] http://patchwork.ozlabs.org/cover/1103565/

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