18.08.2019. 10.10, "Richard Henderson" <richard.hender...@linaro.org> је
> On 8/16/19 11:59 PM, Aleksandar Markovic wrote:
> >> From: "Paul A. Clarke" <p...@us.ibm.com>
> ...
> >>   ISA 3.0B has xscvdpspn leaving its result in word 1 of the target
> > register,
> >>   and mffprwz expecting its input to come from word 0 of the source
> > register.
> >>   This sequence fails with QEMU, as a shift is required between those
> >>   instructions.  However, the hardware splats the result to both word 0
> > and
> >>   word 1 of its output register, so the shift is not necessary.
> >>   Expect a future revision of the ISA to specify this behavior.
> >>
> >
> > Hmmm... Isn't this a gcc bug (using undocumented hardware feature),
> > everything you said here?
> The key here is "expect a future revision of the ISA to specify this
> It's clearly within IBM's purview to adjust the specification to document
> previously undocumented hardware feature.

By no means, yes, the key is in ISA documentation. But, the impression that
full original commit message conveys is that the main reason for change is
gcc behavior. If we accepted in general that gcc behavior determines QEMU
behavior, I am afraid we would be on a very slippery slope - therefore I
think the commit message (and possible code comment) should, in my opinion,
mention ISA docs as the central reason for change. Paul, is there any
tentative release date of the new ISA specification?


> r~

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