On 8/16/19 11:59 PM, Aleksandar Markovic wrote:
>> From: "Paul A. Clarke" <p...@us.ibm.com>
>>   ISA 3.0B has xscvdpspn leaving its result in word 1 of the target
> register,
>>   and mffprwz expecting its input to come from word 0 of the source
> register.
>>   This sequence fails with QEMU, as a shift is required between those two
>>   instructions.  However, the hardware splats the result to both word 0
> and
>>   word 1 of its output register, so the shift is not necessary.
>>   Expect a future revision of the ISA to specify this behavior.
> Hmmm... Isn't this a gcc bug (using undocumented hardware feature), given
> everything you said here?

The key here is "expect a future revision of the ISA to specify this behavior".

It's clearly within IBM's purview to adjust the specification to document a
previously undocumented hardware feature.


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