On Tue, 30 Jul 2019 at 06:45, Rashmica Gupta <rashmic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> GPIO pins are arranged in groups of 8 pins labeled A,B,..,Y,Z,AA,AB,AC.
> (Note that the ast2400 controller only goes up to group AB).
> A set has four groups (except set AC which only has one) and is
> referred to by the groups it is composed of (eg ABCD,EFGH,...,YZAAAB).
> Each set is accessed and controlled by a bank of 14 registers.
> These registers operate on a per pin level where each bit in the register
> corresponds to a pin, except for the command source registers. The command
> source registers operate on a per group level where bits 24, 16, 8 and 0
> correspond to each group in the set.
>  eg. registers for set ABCD:
>  |D7...D0|C7...C0|B7...B0|A7...A0| <- GPIOs
>  |31...24|23...16|15....8|7.....0| <- bit position
> Note that there are a couple of groups that only have 4 pins.
> There are two ways that this model deviates from the behaviour of the
> actual controller:
> (1) The only control source driving the GPIO pins in the model is the ARM
> model (as there currently aren't models for the LPC or Coprocessor).
> (2) None of the registers in the model are reset tolerant (needs
> integration with the watchdog).

> +typedef struct AspeedGPIOReg {
> +    uint16_t set_idx;
> +    uint32_t (*read)(GPIOSets *regs);
> +    void (*write)(AspeedGPIOState *s, GPIOSets *regs,
> +                const GPIOSetProperties *props, uint32_t val);
> + } AspeedGPIOReg;

Please don't create new abstractions for implementing
registers that are only used in one device model. We
have a couple of basic approaches that we use already:

 * just open coded switch statements in the read and write
   functions for the device's MMIO regions
 * if you'd rather have a data structure defining each
   register with hook functions where they need to do
   particular behaviour on reads and writes, have a look
   at the APIs in include/hw/register.h. Currently these are
   used just by some of the Xilinx devices, but if you
   want an API shaped like that you can use it.

-- PMM

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