On Tue, 9 Jul 2019 15:19:08 +0530
Kirti Wankhede <kwankh...@nvidia.com> wrote:

> - Defined MIGRATION region type and sub-type.
> - Used 3 bits to define VFIO device states.
>     Bit 0 => _RUNNING
>     Bit 1 => _SAVING
>     Bit 2 => _RESUMING
>     Combination of these bits defines VFIO device's state during migration
>     _STOPPED => All bits 0 indicates VFIO device stopped.
>     _RUNNING => Normal VFIO device running state.
>     _SAVING | _RUNNING => vCPUs are running, VFIO device is running but start
>                           saving state of device i.e. pre-copy state
>     _SAVING  => vCPUs are stoppped, VFIO device should be stopped, and
>                           save device state,i.e. stop-n-copy state
>     _RESUMING => VFIO device resuming state.
>     _SAVING | _RESUMING => Invalid state if _SAVING and _RESUMING bits are set
> - Defined vfio_device_migration_info structure which will be placed at 0th
>   offset of migration region to get/set VFIO device related information.
>   Defined members of structure and usage on read/write access:
>     * device_state: (read/write)
>         To convey VFIO device state to be transitioned to. Only 3 bits are 
> used
>         as of now.
>     * pending bytes: (read only)
>         To get pending bytes yet to be migrated for VFIO device.
>     * data_offset: (read only)
>         To get data offset in migration from where data exist during _SAVING
>         and from where data should be written by user space application during
>          _RESUMING state
>     * data_size: (read/write)
>         To get and set size of data copied in migration region during _SAVING
>         and _RESUMING state.
>     * start_pfn, page_size, total_pfns: (write only)
>         To get bitmap of dirty pages from vendor driver from given
>         start address for total_pfns.
>     * copied_pfns: (read only)
>         To get number of pfns bitmap copied in migration region.
>         Vendor driver should copy the bitmap with bits set only for
>         pages to be marked dirty in migration region. Vendor driver
>         should return 0 if there are 0 pages dirty in requested
>         range. Vendor driver should return -1 to mark all pages in the section
>         as dirty
> Migration region looks like:
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------
> |vfio_device_migration_info|    data section                      |
> |                          |     ///////////////////////////////  |
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------
>  ^                              ^                              ^
>  offset 0-trapped part        data_offset                 data_size
> Data section is always followed by vfio_device_migration_info
> structure in the region, so data_offset will always be none-0.
> Offset from where data is copied is decided by kernel driver, data
> section can be trapped or mapped depending on how kernel driver
> defines data section. If mmapped, then data_offset should be page
> aligned, where as initial section which contain
> vfio_device_migration_info structure might not end at offset which
> is page aligned.
> Signed-off-by: Kirti Wankhede <kwankh...@nvidia.com>
> Reviewed-by: Neo Jia <c...@nvidia.com>
> ---
>  linux-headers/linux/vfio.h | 166 
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  1 file changed, 166 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/linux-headers/linux/vfio.h b/linux-headers/linux/vfio.h
> index 24f505199f83..6696a4600545 100644
> --- a/linux-headers/linux/vfio.h
> +++ b/linux-headers/linux/vfio.h
> @@ -372,6 +372,172 @@ struct vfio_region_gfx_edid {
>   */
> +/* Migration region type and sub-type */
> +#define VFIO_REGION_TYPE_MIGRATION           (2)

Region type #2 is already claimed by VFIO_REGION_TYPE_CCW, so this would
need to be #3 or greater (we should have a reference table somewhere in
this header as it gets easier to miss claimed entries as the sprawl

> +#define VFIO_REGION_SUBTYPE_MIGRATION                (1)
> +
> +/**
> + * Structure vfio_device_migration_info is placed at 0th offset of
> + * VFIO_REGION_SUBTYPE_MIGRATION region to get/set VFIO device related 
> migration
> + * information. Field accesses from this structure are only supported at 
> their
> + * native width and alignment, otherwise should return error.

This seems like a good unit test, a userspace driver that performs
unaligned accesses to this space.  I'm afraid the wording above might
suggest that if there's no error it must work though, which might put
us in sticky support situations.  Should we say:

s/should return error/the result is undefined and vendor drivers should
return an error/

> + *
> + * device_state: (read/write)
> + *      To indicate vendor driver the state VFIO device should be 
> transitioned
> + *      to. If device state transition fails, write on this field return 
> error.
> + *      It consists of 3 bits:
> + *      - If bit 0 set, indicates _RUNNING state. When its reset, that 
> indicates
> + *        _STOPPED state. When device is changed to _STOPPED, driver should 
> stop
> + *        device before write() returns.
> + *      - If bit 1 set, indicates _SAVING state.
> + *      - If bit 2 set, indicates _RESUMING state.
> + *      _SAVING and _RESUMING set at the same time is invalid state.

I think in the previous version there was a question of how we handle
yet-to-be-defined bits.  For instance, if we defined a
SUBTYPE_MIGRATIONv2 with the intention of making it backwards
compatible with this version, do we declare the undefined bits as
preserved so that the user should do a read-modify-write operation?

> + * pending bytes: (read only)
> + *      Number of pending bytes yet to be migrated from vendor driver

Is this for _SAVING, _RESUMING, or both?

> + *
> + * data_offset: (read only)
> + *      User application should read data_offset in migration region from 
> where
> + *      user application should read device data during _SAVING state or 
> write
> + *      device data during _RESUMING state or read dirty pages bitmap. See 
> below
> + *      for detail of sequence to be followed.
> + *
> + * data_size: (read/write)
> + *      User application should read data_size to get size of data copied in
> + *      migration region during _SAVING state and write size of data copied 
> in
> + *      migration region during _RESUMING state.
> + *
> + * start_pfn: (write only)
> + *      Start address pfn to get bitmap of dirty pages from vendor driver 
> duing
> + *      _SAVING state.

There are some subtleties in PFN that I'm not sure we're accounting for
here.  Devices operate in an IOVA space, which is defined by DMA_MAP
calls.  The user says this IOVA maps to this process virtual address.
When there is no vIOMMU, we can \assume\ that IOVA ~= GPA and therefore
this interface provides dirty gfns.  However when we have a vIOMMU, we
don't know the IOVA to GPA mapping, right?  So is it expected that the
user is calling this with GFNs relative to the device address space
(IOVA) or relative to the VM address space (GPA)?  For the kernel
internal mdev interface, the pin pages API is always operating in the
device view and I think never cares if those are IOVA or GPA.

> + *
> + * page_size: (write only)
> + *      User application should write the page_size of pfn.
> + *
> + * total_pfns: (write only)
> + *      Total pfn count from start_pfn for which dirty bitmap is requested.
> + *
> + * copied_pfns: (read only)
> + *      pfn count for which dirty bitmap is copied to migration region.
> + *      Vendor driver should copy the bitmap with bits set only for pages to 
> be
> + *      marked dirty in migration region.
> + *      - Vendor driver should return VFIO_DEVICE_DIRTY_PFNS_NONE if none of 
> the
> + *        pages are dirty in requested range or rest of the range.
> + *      - Vendor driver should return VFIO_DEVICE_DIRTY_PFNS_ALL to mark all
> + *        pages dirty in the given section.

Does this have the same semantics as _NONE in being able to use it to
report "all the remaining unreported pfns are dirty"?

> + *      - Vendor driver should return pfn count for which bitmap is written 
> in
> + *        the region.
> + *
> + * Migration region looks like:
> + *  ------------------------------------------------------------------
> + * |vfio_device_migration_info|    data section                      |
> + * |                          |     ///////////////////////////////  |
> + * ------------------------------------------------------------------
> + *   ^                              ^                              ^
> + *  offset 0-trapped part        data_offset                 data_size
> + *
> + * Data section is always followed by vfio_device_migration_info structure
> + * in the region, so data_offset will always be none-0. Offset from where 
> data

s/none-0/non-0/  Or better, non-zero

> + * is copied is decided by kernel driver, data section can be trapped or
> + * mapped depending on how kernel driver defines data section. If mmapped,
> + * then data_offset should be page aligned, where as initial section which
> + * contain vfio_device_migration_info structure might not end at offset which
> + * is page aligned.
> + * Data_offset can be same or different for device data and dirty page 
> bitmap.
> + * Vendor driver should decide whether to partition data section and how to
> + * partition the data section. Vendor driver should return data_offset
> + * accordingly.

I think we also want to talk about how the mmap support within this
region is defined by a sparse mmap capability (this is required if
any of it is mmap capable to support the non-mmap'd header) and the
vendor driver can make portions of the data section mmap'able and
others not.  I believe (unless we want to require otherwise) that the
data_offset to data_offset+data_size range can arbitrarily span mmap
supported sections to meet the vendor driver's needs.

> + *
> + * Sequence to be followed:
> + * In _SAVING|_RUNNING device state or pre-copy phase:
> + * a. read pending_bytes. If pending_bytes > 0, go through below steps.
> + * b. read data_offset, indicates kernel driver to write data to staging 
> buffer
> + *    which is mmapped.

There's no requirement that it be mmap'd, right?  The vendor driver has
the choice whether to support mmap, the user has the choice whether to
access via mmap or read/write.

> + * c. read data_size, amount of data in bytes written by vendor driver in
> + *    migration region.
> + * d. if data section is trapped, read from data_offset of data_size.
> + * e. if data section is mmaped, read data_size bytes from mmaped buffer from
> + *    data_offset in the migration region.

Is it really necessary to specify these separately?  The user should
read from data_offset to data_offset+data_size, optionally via direct
mapped buffer as supported by the sparse mmap support within the region.

> + * f. Write data_size and data to file stream.

This is not really part of our specification, the user does whatever
they want with the data.

> + * g. iterate through steps a to f while (pending_bytes > 0)

Is the read of pending_bytes an implicit indication to the vendor
driver that the data area has been consumed?  If so, should this
sequence always end with a read of pending_bytes to indicate to the
vendor driver to flush that data?  I'm assuming there will be gap where
the user reads save data from the device, does other things, and comes
back to read more data.

What assumptions, if any, can the user make about pending_bytes?  For
instance, if the device is _RUNNING, I assume no assumptions can be
made, maybe with the exception that it represents the minimum pending
state at that instant of time.  The rate at which we're approaching
convergence might be inferred, but any method to determine that would
be beyond the scope here.

> + * In _SAVING device state or stop-and-copy phase:
> + * a. read config space of device and save to migration file stream. This
> + *    doesn't need to be from vendor driver. Any other special config state
> + *    from driver can be saved as data in following iteration.

This is beyond the scope of the migration interface here (and config
space is PCI specific).

> + * b. read pending_bytes.
> + * c. read data_offset, indicates kernel driver to write data to staging
> + *    buffer which is mmapped.

Or not.

> + * d. read data_size, amount of data in bytes written by vendor driver in
> + *    migration region.
> + * e. if data section is trapped, read from data_offset of data_size.
> + * f. if data section is mmaped, read data_size bytes from mmaped buffer from
> + *    data_offset in the migration region.

Same comment as above.

> + * g. Write data_size and data to file stream

Outside of the scope.

> + * h. iterate through steps b to g while (pending_bytes > 0)

Same question regarding indicating to vendor driver that the buffer has
been consumed.

> + *
> + * When data region is mapped, its user's responsibility to read data from
> + * data_offset of data_size before moving to next steps.

Do we really want to condition this on being mmap'd?  This implies that
when it is not mmap'd the vendor driver tracks the accesses to make
sure that it was consumed?

> + * Dirty page tracking is part of RAM copy state, where vendor driver
> + * provides the bitmap of pages which are dirtied by vendor driver through
> + * migration region and as part of RAM copy those pages gets copied to file
> + * stream.

We're mixing QEMU/VM use cases here, this is only the kernel interface
spec, which can be used for such things, but is not tied to them.  RAM
ties to the previous question of the address space and implies we're
operating in the GFN space while the device really only knows about the
IOVA space.

> + *
> + * To get dirty page bitmap:
> + * a. write start_pfn, page_size and total_pfns.

Is it required to write every field every time?  For instance page_size
seems like it should only ever need to be written once.  Is there any
ordering required?  It seems like step b) initiates the vendor driver
to consume these fields, but that's not specified below.

> + * b. read copied_pfns.
> + *     - Vendor driver should return VFIO_DEVICE_DIRTY_PFNS_NONE if driver
> + *       doesn't have any page to report dirty in given range or rest of the
> + *       range. Exit loop.
> + *     - Vendor driver should return VFIO_DEVICE_DIRTY_PFNS_ALL to mark all
> + *       pages dirty for given range. Mark all pages in the range as dirty 
> and
> + *       exit the loop.
> + *     - Vendor driver should return copied_pfns and provide bitmap for
> + *       copied_pfn, which means that bitmap copied for given range contains
> + *       information for all pages where some bits are 0s and some are 1s.
> + * c. read data_offset, where vendor driver has written bitmap.
> + * d. read bitmap from the region or mmaped part of the region.
> + * e. Iterate through steps a to d while (total copied_pfns < total_pfns)

I thought there was some automatic iteration built into this interface,
is that dropped?  The user is now expected to do start_pf +=
copied_pfns and total_pfns -= copied_pfns themsevles?  Does anything
indicate to the vendor driver when the data area has been consumed such
that resources can be released?

> + *
> + * In _RESUMING device state:
> + * - Load device config state.

Out of scope.

> + * - While end of data for this device is not reached, repeat below steps:
> + *      - read data_size from file stream, read data from file stream of
> + *        data_size.

Out of scope, how the user gets the data is a userspace implementation
detail.  I think the important detail here is simply that each data
transaction from the _SAVING process is indivisible and must translate
to a _RESUMING transaction here.

> + *      - read data_offset from where User application should write data.
> + *          if region is mmaped, write data of data_size to mmaped region.
> + *      - write data_size.
> + *          In case of mmapped region, write on data_size indicates kernel
> + *          driver that data is written in staging buffer.
> + *      - if region is trapped, write data of data_size from data_offset.

Gack!  We need something better here, the sequence should be the same
regardless of the mechanism used to write the data.

It still confuses me how the resuming side can know where (data_offset)
the incoming data should be written.  If we're migrating a !_RUNNING
device, then I can see how some portion of the device might be directly
mmap'd and the sequence would be very deterministic.  But if we're
migrating a _RUNNING device, wouldn't the current data block depend on
what portions of the device are active, which would be difficult to

> + *
> + * For user application, data is opaque. User should write data in the same
> + * order as received.
> + */
> +
> +struct vfio_device_migration_info {
> +        __u32 device_state;         /* VFIO device state */
> +#define VFIO_DEVICE_STATE_RUNNING   (1 << 0)
> +#define VFIO_DEVICE_STATE_SAVING    (1 << 1)
> +#define VFIO_DEVICE_STATE_RESUMING  (1 << 2)
> +                                     VFIO_DEVICE_STATE_SAVING | \
> +                                     VFIO_DEVICE_STATE_RESUMING)

Yes, we have the mask in here now, but no mention above how the user
should handle undefined bits.  Thanks,


> +                                     VFIO_DEVICE_STATE_RESUMING)
> +        __u32 reserved;
> +        __u64 pending_bytes;
> +        __u64 data_offset;
> +        __u64 data_size;
> +        __u64 start_pfn;
> +        __u64 page_size;
> +        __u64 total_pfns;
> +        __u64 copied_pfns;
> +#define VFIO_DEVICE_DIRTY_PFNS_NONE     (0)
> +#define VFIO_DEVICE_DIRTY_PFNS_ALL      (~0ULL)
> +} __attribute__((packed));
> +
>  /*
>   * The MSIX mappable capability informs that MSIX data of a BAR can be 
> mmapped
>   * which allows direct access to non-MSIX registers which happened to be 
> within

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