On 6/20/2019 10:48 PM, Alex Williamson wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Jun 2019 20:07:29 +0530
> Kirti Wankhede <kwankh...@nvidia.com> wrote:
>> - Defined MIGRATION region type and sub-type.
>> - Used 3 bits to define VFIO device states.
>>     Bit 0 => _RUNNING
>>     Bit 1 => _SAVING
>>     Bit 2 => _RESUMING
>>     Combination of these bits defines VFIO device's state during migration
>>     _STOPPED => All bits 0 indicates VFIO device stopped.
>>     _RUNNING => Normal VFIO device running state.
>>     _SAVING | _RUNNING => vCPUs are running, VFIO device is running but start
>>                           saving state of device i.e. pre-copy state
>>     _SAVING  => vCPUs are stoppped, VFIO device should be stopped, and
>>                           save device state,i.e. stop-n-copy state
>>     _RESUMING => VFIO device resuming state.
>>     _SAVING | _RESUMING => Invalid state if _SAVING and _RESUMING bits are 
>> set
>> - Defined vfio_device_migration_info structure which will be placed at 0th
>>   offset of migration region to get/set VFIO device related information.
>>   Defined members of structure and usage on read/write access:
>>     * device_state: (read/write)
>>         To convey VFIO device state to be transitioned to. Only 3 bits are 
>> used
>>         as of now.
>>     * pending bytes: (read only)
>>         To get pending bytes yet to be migrated for VFIO device.
>>     * data_offset: (read only)
>>         To get data offset in migration from where data exist during _SAVING
>>         and from where data should be written by user space application 
>> during
>>          _RESUMING state
>>     * data_size: (read/write)
>>         To get and set size of data copied in migration region during _SAVING
>>         and _RESUMING state.
>>     * start_pfn, page_size, total_pfns: (write only)
>>         To get bitmap of dirty pages from vendor driver from given
>>         start address for total_pfns.
>>     * copied_pfns: (read only)
>>         To get number of pfns bitmap copied in migration region.
>>         Vendor driver should copy the bitmap with bits set only for
>>         pages to be marked dirty in migration region. Vendor driver
>>         should return 0 if there are 0 pages dirty in requested
>>         range. Vendor driver should return -1 to mark all pages in the 
>> section
>>         as dirty
>> Migration region looks like:
>>  ------------------------------------------------------------------
>> |vfio_device_migration_info|    data section                      |
>> |                          |     ///////////////////////////////  |
>>  ------------------------------------------------------------------
>>  ^                              ^                              ^
>>  offset 0-trapped part        data_offset                 data_size
>> Data section is always followed by vfio_device_migration_info
>> structure in the region, so data_offset will always be none-0.
>> Offset from where data is copied is decided by kernel driver, data
>> section can be trapped or mapped depending on how kernel driver
>> defines data section. If mmapped, then data_offset should be page
>> aligned, where as initial section which contain
>> vfio_device_migration_info structure might not end at offset which
>> is page aligned.
>> Signed-off-by: Kirti Wankhede <kwankh...@nvidia.com>
>> Reviewed-by: Neo Jia <c...@nvidia.com>
>> ---
>>  linux-headers/linux/vfio.h | 71 
>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>  1 file changed, 71 insertions(+)
>> diff --git a/linux-headers/linux/vfio.h b/linux-headers/linux/vfio.h
>> index 24f505199f83..274ec477eb82 100644
>> --- a/linux-headers/linux/vfio.h
>> +++ b/linux-headers/linux/vfio.h
>> @@ -372,6 +372,77 @@ struct vfio_region_gfx_edid {
>>   */
>> +/* Migration region type and sub-type */
>> +#define VFIO_REGION_TYPE_MIGRATION          (2)
>> +#define VFIO_REGION_SUBTYPE_MIGRATION               (1)
>> +
>> +/**
>> + * Structure vfio_device_migration_info is placed at 0th offset of
>> + * VFIO_REGION_SUBTYPE_MIGRATION region to get/set VFIO device related 
>> migration
>> + * information. Field accesses from this structure are only supported at 
>> their
>> + * native width and alignment, otherwise should return error.
>> + *
>> + * device_state: (read/write)
>> + *      To indicate vendor driver the state VFIO device should be 
>> transitioned
>> + *      to. If device state transition fails, write to this field return 
>> error.
>> + *      It consists of 3 bits:
>> + *      - If bit 0 set, indicates _RUNNING state. When its reset, that 
>> indicates
>> + *        _STOPPED state. When device is changed to _STOPPED, driver should 
>> stop
>> + *        device before write returns.
>> + *      - If bit 1 set, indicates _SAVING state.
>> + *      - If bit 2 set, indicates _RESUMING state.
>> + *
>> + * pending bytes: (read only)
>> + *      Read pending bytes yet to be migrated from vendor driver
>> + *
>> + * data_offset: (read only)
>> + *      User application should read data_offset in migration region from 
>> where
>> + *      user application should read data during _SAVING state or write data
>> + *      during _RESUMING state.
>> + *
>> + * data_size: (read/write)
>> + *      User application should read data_size to know data copied in 
>> migration
>> + *      region during _SAVING state and write size of data copied in 
>> migration
>> + *      region during _RESUMING state.
>> + *
>> + * start_pfn: (write only)
>> + *      Start address pfn to get bitmap of dirty pages from vendor driver 
>> duing
>> + *      _SAVING state.
>> + *
>> + * page_size: (write only)
>> + *      User application should write the page_size of pfn.
>> + *
>> + * total_pfns: (write only)
>> + *      Total pfn count from start_pfn for which dirty bitmap is requested.
>> + *
>> + * copied_pfns: (read only)
>> + *      pfn count for which dirty bitmap is copied to migration region.
>> + *      Vendor driver should copy the bitmap with bits set only for pages 
>> to be
>> + *      marked dirty in migration region.
>> + *      Vendor driver should return 0 if there are 0 pages dirty in 
>> requested
>> + *      range.
>> + *      Vendor driver should return -1 to mark all pages in the section as
>> + *      dirty.
> Is the protocol that the user writes start_pfn/page_size/total_pfns in
> any order and then the read of copied_pfns is what triggers the
> snapshot?


>  Are start_pfn/page_size/total_pfns sticky such that a user
> can write them once and get repeated refreshes of the dirty bitmap by
> re-reading copied_pfns?

Yes and that bitmap should be for given range (from start_pfn till
start_pfn + tolal_pfns).
Re-reading of copied_pfns is to handle the case where it might be
possible that vendor driver reserved area for bitmap < total bitmap size
for range (start_pfn to start_pfn + tolal_pfns), then user will have to
iterate till copied_pfns == total_pfns or till copied_pfns == 0 (that
is, there are no pages dirty in rest of the range)

>  What's the advantage to returning -1 versus
> returning copied_pfns == total_pfns?

If all bits in bitmap are 1, then return -1, that is, all pages in the
given range to be marked dirty.

If all bits in bitmap are 0, then return 0, that is, no page to be
marked dirty in given range or rest of the range.

Otherwise vendor driver should return copied_pfns == total_pfn and
provide bitmap for total_pfn, which means that bitmap copied for given
range contains information for all pages where some bits are 0s and some
are 1s.

> If the user then wants to switch back to reading device migration
> state, is it a read of data_size that switches the data area back to
> making that address space available? 

No, Its not just read(data_size), before that there is a
read(data_offset). If Vendor driver wants to have different sub-regions
for device data and dirty page bitmap, vendor driver should return
corresponding offset on read(data_offset).

> In each case, is it the user's
> responsibility to consume all the data provided before triggering the
> next data area?> For example, if I ask for a range of dirty bitmap, the
> vendor driver will provide that range and and clear it, such that the
> pages are considered clean regardless of whether the user consumed the
> data area.  


> Likewise if the user asks for data_size, that would be
> deducted from pending_bytes regardless of the user reading the data
> area. 

User should read data before deducting data_size from pending_bytes.
>From vendor driver point of view, data_size will be deducted from
pending_bytes once data is copied to data region.

> Are there any read side-effects to pending_bytes?

No, its query to vendor driver about pending bytes yet to be
migrated/read from vendor driver.

>  Are there
> read side-effects to the data area on SAVING?


>  Are there write
> side-effects on RESUMING, or is it only the write of data_size that
> triggers the buffer to be consumed?

Its write(data_size) triggers the buffer to be consumed, if region is
mmaped, then data is already copied to region, if its trapped then
following writes from data_offset is data to be consumed.

>  Is it the user's responsibility to
> write only full "packets" on RESUMING?  For example if the SAVING side
> provides data_size X, that full data_size X must be written to the
> RESUMING side, the user cannot write half of it to the data area on the
> RESUMING side, write data_size with X/2, write the second half, and
> again write X/2.  IOW, the data_size "packet" is indivisible at the
> point of resuming.

If source and destination are compatible or of same driver version, then
if user is reading data_size X at source/SAVING, destination should be
able to consume data_size X at restoring/RESUMING. Then why should user
write X/2 and iterate?

> What are the ordering requirements?  Must the user write data_size
> packets in the same order that they're read, or is it the vendor
> driver's responsibility to include sequence information and allow
> restore in any order?

For user, data is opaque. User should write data in the same order as he

>> + */
>> +
>> +struct vfio_device_migration_info {
>> +        __u32 device_state;         /* VFIO device state */
> We need to be careful with how this is used if we want to leave the
> possibility of using the remaining 29 bits of this register.  Maybe we
> want to define VFIO_DEVICE_STATE_MASK and be sure that we only do
> read-modify-write ops within the mask (ex. set_bit and clear_bit
> helpers).

Makes sense, I'll do changes in next iteration.

>  Also, above we define STOPPED to indicate simply
> not-RUNNING, but here it seems STOPPED means not-RUNNING, not-SAVING,
> and not-RESUMING.

That's correct.

>> +#define VFIO_DEVICE_STATE_RUNNING   (1 << 0)
>> +#define VFIO_DEVICE_STATE_SAVING    (1 << 1)
>> +#define VFIO_DEVICE_STATE_RESUMING  (1 << 2)
>> +                                     VFIO_DEVICE_STATE_RESUMING)
>> +        __u32 reserved;
>> +        __u64 pending_bytes;
>> +        __u64 data_offset;
> Placing the data more than 4GB into the region seems a bit absurd, so
> this could probably be a __u32 and take the place of the reserved field.

Is there a maximum limit on VFIO region size?
There isn't any such limit, right? Vendor driver can define region of
any size and then place data section anywhere in the region. I prefer to
keep it __u64.

>> +        __u64 data_size;
>> +        __u64 start_pfn;
>> +        __u64 page_size;
>> +        __u64 total_pfns;
>> +        __s64 copied_pfns;
> If this is signed so that we can get -1 then the user could
> theoretically specify total_pfns that we can't represent in
> copied_pfns.  Probably best to use unsigned and specify ~0 rather than
> -1.


> Overall this looks like a good interface, but we need to more
> thoroughly define the protocol with the data area and set expectations
> we're placing on the user and vendor driver.  There should be no usage
> assumptions, it should all be spelled out.  Thanks,

Thanks for your feedback. I'll update comments above to be more specific.


> Alex
>> +} __attribute__((packed));
>> +
>>  /*
>>   * The MSIX mappable capability informs that MSIX data of a BAR can be 
>> mmapped
>>   * which allows direct access to non-MSIX registers which happened to be 
>> within

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