On Mon, 3 Jun 2019 at 19:21, John Snow <js...@redhat.com> wrote:
> I get it, we don't want to require Python 3.8 because some dev wanted
> assignment conditionals -- but we're talking about Python 2 here, which
> suffers its EOL by the end of this calendar year.
> So do we think it's reasonable to drop support for Python2 for the
> release that comes out after Python2's EOL, or do we insist on 2x3
> simultaneous support for years more?

I don't have a strong opinion on Python in particular, but
I think it would be nicer to avoid the "python is a special
snowflake" effect. Would it really be so bad for it to just
be "drop it when it falls off the last LTS distro" like the
rest of our dependencies ?

-- PMM

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