Sorry, I'm done having to argue against(!) a person who's stonewalling me by wilfully ignoring differences ("doesn't work perfectly" interpreted as "does not work at all"), discounting just-for-testing-purpose workarounds as if they were actual proposed solutions ("not a sane approach"), ignoring the use case (still insisting on terminal size mutability), and proposing a nonworking solution (-nographic does not give me any output, of course because it doesn't have a terminal to talk to).

Reminds me of discussions in the Maven group, there, anything that didn't fit their shiny predefined ideas was brushed off in a similar manner. Choosing the same solution: Use a different workaround, chalk this up under the Passive-Aggressive Unhelpfulness Encountered column.

No hard feelings towards the community.

Have a nice day everyone.

P.S.: Frustrated. In two ways.
Latin "frustra" = "in vain".

P.P.S.: I will stick around a bit so I can answer to questions based on genuine interest, but I'll disconnect from the list after that.

P.P.P.S.: No hard feelings towards the community in general. In fact, thanks to those two who tried to help.

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