<CC'ing curses maintainer>

On 4/13/19 5:02 AM, Joachim Durchholz wrote:
> Hi all,
> what's the reasoning behind "We need a terminal output" in curses.c?
> I don't really see a scenario where it's problematic if qemu emits
> escape sequences to a pipe.
> I have experienced one scenario where it is problematic: It doesn't work
> properly with pexpect and expectit (a Python and a Java library that do
> expect). I suspect they fail to use a pty, but then I see no harm in not
> doing so.
> I can see another scenario when this is problematic: Unit testing code
> that directly writes to the console. E.g. testing BIOS code, or testing
> operating systems when using the serial port is not an option.
> Regards,
> Jo

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