On 3/20/19 7:16 AM, Yoshinori Sato wrote:
> +static const char *cond[] = {
> +    "eq", "ne", "c", "nc", "gtu", "leu", "pz", "n",
> +    "ge", "lt", "gt", "le", "o", "no", "ra", "f"
> +};

const char * const cond[]

Or since they are all very short strings,

const char cond[][4]

> +static const char *cr[] = {
> +    "psw", "", "usp", "fpsw", "", "", "", "",
> +    "bpsw", "bpc", "isp", "fintv", "intb", "", "", "",
> +};
> +static const char *msize[] = {
> +    "b", "w", "l", "ub", "uw",
> +};

Similarly.  Although cr has longer strings.  And cr[1] = "pc".

> +static void operand(DisasContext *ctx, int ld, int mi, int rs, int rd)
> +{
> +    int dsp;
> +    const char *mis;
> +    static const char *sizes[] = {".b", ".w", ".l"};

Similarly.  Although why not include .ub and .uw here?


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