On 05/03/19 09:05, Thomas Huth wrote:
> On 02/03/2019 13.46, Daryl Oliver wrote:
>> Hello there I don't know if this is till valid but I thought I should
>> mention my use cases for the bluetooth option in qemu.
>> Use case would be using Bluetooth controllers for gaming on kvm qemu since
>> I don't know if kvm would be able to use my hosts Bluetooth chip or emulate
>> one. since I manily use the windows port of qemu.
>> But my other use case would be using Bluetooth speakers or headphones.
>  Hi!
> Thanks for your report! Do you mean you are already using bluetooth for
> your KVM guest, or you just would like to use it (since you wrote "would
> be" and not "is")?
> In the first case, could you please elaborate on your set up? Which
> hardware are you exactly passing through to the guest, which parameters
> are you using for starting QEMU, which version of QEMU are you using, is
> it working without problems, etc. ?

I suspect he wants to pass something like an XBox controller.  It would
actually be a very good usecase for Bluetooth passthrough.

If he is using Linux guests, he could use virtio-input-host-pci.

For Windows, we could also pass it through as an HID device, using
something like virtio-input-host-pci but for USB.  It wouldn't be hard
to implement, but you'd have to write a converter from Linux evdev
descriptors to USB HID descriptors.


> I ask because currently, I don't know anybody who is still using
> bluetooth passthrough with a recent version of QEMU, so it would be very
> interesting to know whether this still works at all or not...
>  Thanks,
>   Thomas

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