Hi all,

      I am running my VM using vhost-user NIC with OVS-DPDK.  The steps of my 
question is shown as follows:
     1) In the VM, I add one route entry manually on the vNIC eth0 using the 
linux tool route. 
     2) When restarting openvswitch service for the crash of the ovs-vswitchd, 
qemu's vhost-user reconnected successfully after 40s.  
     3) Here VM's vNIC will receive link down and up events, the interval 
between the two events is about 40s.
     3) But that route entry disappeared and that will cause user's network 
traffic interruption and the service failed.

     Is there some work on this problem?  Can we keep the vNIC's link up status 
when do vhost-user's reconnecting work?



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