There are inconsistencies between the command line using "-numa node,cpus=XX" and what is checked internally: the XX is supposed to be a CPU number, but for SPAPR it's taken as a core number, ignoring the threads. (See the description message of PATCH 1 for more details)
This series fixes this problem by introducing the threads in the possible_cpus list instead of only the cores. To avoid inconsistent topology, it doesn't allow anymore to have an incomplete CPU NUMA config on the command line (there was already a message announcing it will be absoleted for 2 years). Laurent Vivier (4): numa,spapr: add thread-id in the possible_cpus list numa: exit on incomplete CPU mapping numa: move cpu_slot_to_string() upper in the function numa: check threads of the same core are on the same node hw/core/machine.c | 115 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- hw/ppc/spapr.c | 33 ++++++------- tests/numa-test.c | 24 +--------- 3 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-) -- 2.20.1