On 29/11/2018 22:53, Tony Krowiak wrote:
On 11/22/18 11:35 AM, Pierre Morel wrote:
We intercept the PQAP(AQIC) instruction and transform


+static int ap_pqap_aqic(CPUS390XState *env)
+    uint64_t g_nib = env->regs[2];
+    uint8_t apid = ap_reg_get_apid(env->regs[0]);
+    uint8_t apqi = ap_reg_get_apqi(env->regs[0]);
+    uint32_t retval;
+    APDevice *ap = s390_get_ap();

To be consistent with the naming convention in the rest of
this file, can you name this variable 'apdev'?


+    VFIODevice *vdev;
+    VFIOAPDevice *ap_vdev;

To be consistent with the naming convention in the rest of
this file, can you name this variable 'vapdev'?

+    APQueue *apq;
+    ap_vdev = DO_UPCAST(VFIOAPDevice, apdev, ap);

Where is 'apdev' defined/initialized?

It is part of the VFIOAPDevice structure

+    vdev = &ap_vdev->vdev;
+    apq = &ap->card[apid].queue[apqi];
+    apq->isc = ap_reg_get_isc(env->regs[1]);
+    apq->apqn = (apid << 8) | apqi;
+    if (ap_reg_get_ir(env->regs[1])) {
+        retval = ap_pqap_set_irq(vdev, apq, g_nib);
+    } else {
+        retval = ap_pqap_clear_irq(vdev, apq);
+    }
+    env->regs[1] = retval;
+    if (retval & AP_STATUS_RC_MASK) {
+        return 3;
+    }
+    return 0;
+ * ap_pqap
+ * @env: environment pointing to registers
+ * return value: Code Condition
+ */
+int ap_pqap(CPUS390XState *env)
+    int cc = 0;
+    switch (ap_reg_get_fc(env->regs[0])) {
+    case AQIC:
+        if (!s390_has_feat(S390_FEAT_AP_QUEUE_INTERRUPT_CONTROL)) {
+            return -PGM_OPERATION;

Shouldn't this be PGM_SPECIFICATION?

Before the patch, when PQAP is not intercepted we sent PGM_OPERATION.
I think we should continue doing the same as before if the feature is not activated.

+        }


+typedef struct APQueue {
+    AdapterRoutes routes;
+    IndAddr *nib;
+    uint16_t apqn;
+    uint8_t isc;
+} APQueue;
+typedef struct APCard {
+    APQueue queue[MAX_AP_DOMAIN];

This seems to be an unnecessary allocation of memory, particularly
if there is only a few queues. I understand this
maps to the concept of a matrix and makes for quick retrieval of
an APQueue, but I think it would be more efficient to use something
like a GTree, or a GHashTable both of which would save you space and
allow for fairly quick retrieval.

We can optimize this later.


+/* Register 1 as input hold the AQIC information */
+static inline uint32_t ap_reg_set_status(uint8_t status)

This function does not set anything, but returns an APQSW.
Maybe it should be named ap_reg_get_status_word or ap_reg_get_apqsw
or ap_reg_get_status.

All these operations are "get" when retrieving informations from registers and "set" when setting information inside registers.

+static int kvm_ap_pqap(S390CPU *cpu, uint16_t ipbh0)
+    CPUS390XState *env = &cpu->env;
+    int r;
+    if (env->psw.mask & PSW_MASK_PSTATE) {
+        kvm_s390_program_interrupt(cpu, PGM_PRIVILEGED);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (env->regs[0] & AP_AQIC_ZERO_BITS) {
+        kvm_s390_program_interrupt(cpu, PGM_SPECIFICATION);
+        return 0;
+    }

This check does not belong here; for example, if the PQAP(TAPQ)
instruction is intercepted and the T bit (bit 40) is set, a
specification exception would be erroneously recognized. This check
should be done in the ap_pqap_aqic() function.

Right, I will move the test.


Pierre Morel
Linux/KVM/QEMU in Böblingen - Germany

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