On 11/24/18 8:12 AM, Emilio G. Cota wrote:
On Thu, Nov 22, 2018 at 15:20:25 +0800, guangrong.x...@gmail.com wrote:
+   /*
+     * the bit in these two bitmaps indicates the index of the ï¼ requests

This @ is not ASCII, is it?

Good eyes. :)

Will fix it.

+     * respectively. If it's the same, the corresponding request is free
+     * and owned by the user, i.e, where the user fills a request. Otherwise,
+     * it is valid and owned by the thread, i.e, where the thread fetches
+     * the request and write the result.
+     */
+    /* after the user fills the request, the bit is flipped. */
+    uint64_t request_fill_bitmap QEMU_ALIGNED(SMP_CACHE_BYTES);
+    /* after handles the request, the thread flips the bit. */
+    uint64_t request_done_bitmap QEMU_ALIGNED(SMP_CACHE_BYTES);

Use DECLARE_BITMAP, otherwise you'll get type errors as David
pointed out.

If we do it, the field becomes a pointer... that complicates the

Hmm, i am using the same trick applied by kvm module when it handles
static inline bool kvm_test_request(int req, struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu)
        return test_bit(req & KVM_REQUEST_MASK, (void *)&vcpu->requests);

Is it good?

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