Thanks for checking this, Maciej,

[ Cc-ing Jia Liu, who added MIPS ASE DSP support in commit 4133498f8e532f
"Use correct acc value to index cpu_HI/cpu_LO rather than using a fix
number", in case there are known ISA deviations. ]

>  However `gen_HILO' looks wrong to me as it'll truncate the values of 
> $acc3-$acc1 with the 64-bit DSP ASE.

I can post a patch to fix gen_HILO. The best reference I have found so far
is "MIPS Architecture for Programmers Volume IV-e: MIPS DSP Module for
microMIPS64 Architecture"

that says

        MFHI: GPR[rds]63..0 <- HI[ac]63..0
        MFLO: GPR[rdt]63..0 <- LO[ac]63..0
        MTHI: HI[ac]63..0 <- GPR[rs]63..0
        MTLO: LO[ac]63..0 <- GPR[rs]63..0

where ac can range from 0 to 3. Do you have a link to a better reference,
by chance, that isn't tied to microMIPS?


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