Thank you for your reviews, Philippe and Richard,

> > +    switch (opc) {
> > +    case TX79_MMI_MFHI1:
> > +#if defined(TARGET_MIPS64)
> > +        tcg_gen_ext32s_tl(cpu_gpr[reg], cpu_HI[1]);
> > +#else
> > +        tcg_gen_mov_tl(cpu_gpr[reg], cpu_HI[1]);
> > +#endif
> You do not need this ifdef.  This is already done in tcg/tcg-op.h:
> $ grep tcg_gen_ext32s_tl tcg/tcg-op.h
> #define tcg_gen_ext32s_tl tcg_gen_ext32s_i64
> #define tcg_gen_ext32s_tl tcg_gen_mov_i32

It appears the correct function is tcg_gen_mov_tl because the TX79 manual

        MFHI:  GPR[rd]63..0 <- HI63..0
        MFLO:  GPR[rd]63..0 <- LO63..0
        MTHI:  HI63..0 <- GPR[rs]63..0
        MTLO:  LO63..0 <- GPR[rs]63..0
        MFHI1: GPR[rd]63..0 <- HI127..64
        MFLO1: GPR[rd]63..0 <- LO127..64
        MTHI1: HI127..64 <- GPR[rs]63..0
        MTLO1: LO127..64 <- GPR[rs]63..0

so the GPR is copied to/from in full in all cases. This is slightly
different to how acc = 1 is handled in gen_HILO.


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