On 09/28/2018 09:57 AM, Halil Pasic wrote:

On 09/27/2018 12:54 AM, Tony Krowiak wrote:
From: Tony Krowiak <akrow...@linux.ibm.com>

Introduces the base object model for virtualizing AP devices.


+static char *vfio_ap_bus_get_dev_path(DeviceState *dev)

Cover letter states you want to remove vifo_ap references form the bus. Sane
thing to do as this would also be the bus we would like to plug an emulated
ap device into (if these get implemented).

There are a couple of such references that survived around this comment.

I noticed that earlier today as I was reviewing these comments and
already removed the vfio references.

+    /* at most one */
+    return g_strdup_printf("/1");
+static void vfio_ap_bus_class_init(ObjectClass *klass, void *data)
+    BusClass *k = BUS_CLASS(klass);
+    k->get_dev_path = vfio_ap_bus_get_dev_path;
+    /* More than one vfio-ap device does not make sense */
+    k->max_dev = 1;
+static const TypeInfo vfio_ap_bus_info = {
+    .name = TYPE_AP_BUS,
+    .parent = TYPE_BUS,
+    .instance_size = sizeof(APBus),
+    .class_init = vfio_ap_bus_class_init,


+static void ap_register(void)
+    type_register_static(&ap_bridge_info);
+    type_register_static(&vfio_ap_bus_info);


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