Just a few patches to follow up on "json: Fixes, error reporting
improvements, cleanups".
Markus Armbruster (6):
  json: Fix lexer for lookahead character beyond '\x7F'
  json: Clean up how lexer consumes "end of input"
  json: Make lexer's "character consumed" logic less confusing
  json: Nicer recovery from lexical errors
  json: Eliminate lexer state IN_ERROR
  json: Eliminate lexer state IN_WHITESPACE, pseudo-token JSON_SKIP

 qobject/json-lexer.c      | 108 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 qobject/json-parser-int.h |  10 ++--
 tests/qmp-test.c          |   6 +--
 3 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)


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