On Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at 11:15:43AM +0200, Thomas Huth wrote:
> On 13.07.2018 10:34, Richard Jansson wrote:
> > Hi
> > 
> > I checked in on the QEMU advent calendar side of which I have very fond
> > memories. I'm very impressed and grateful for the work that you've put into
> > this site. My question to you is the following, what are your plans for the
> > continuation of the program?
>  Hi Richard,
> thanks for the kind words and your interest in the QEMU advent calendar!
> This year, QEMU had its 15th anniversary, so we indeed already thought
> about doing a third round of the QEMU advent calendar this year...
> > In case there's anything I can do I'll gladly put in some work to help you
> > out to support you in your noble cause :)
> The problem is to come up with ideas for 24 suitable images [1], and to
> prepare them (it's quite time-consuming). So far, we're not certain yet
> whether we could do a 2018 edition of the calendar since we hardly have
> any images yet. So if you've got ideas for some images, and/or could
> help to prepare some, that would be very appreciated! Please get in
> touch with us off-list in that case (to avoid to spoil the surprise for
> the public).

Yeah, what Thomas said above.

That said, I've been on the fence for the 2018 edition.  As Thomas said,
we've been thinking about it for some months, and I've jotted down some
ideas and images; just haven't gotten around to make images and other
related tasks.  I've been trying to make time, but was consumed with
several things work and non-work related, that it was hard so far.  :-(

Still, there is time, and I don't want to "give up" -- it'll be nice to
do a 15-year edition.  Maybe I'll get renewed energy after discussions
at the KVM Forum in Edinburgh later this year (in October) and make
time.  And it's also nice to see renewed interest here!


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