> On 02/20/2018 09:44 AM, Michael Davidsaver wrote:
>> On 02/18/2018 11:39 PM, Thomas Huth wrote:
>> That magic (together with patch 1/5) is IMHO a little bit ugly. I've hit
>> the same problem with the m48t59 test recently, and I solved it by
>> moving the qtest_start() and qtest_end() calls from the main() function
>> into the single tests instead, so that each test starts with a clean state:
>> https://git.qemu.org/?p=qemu.git;a=commitdiff;h=9c29830c90d82f27f
>> Could you maybe try whether that approach works for your test cases
>> here, too? Then you could do this without the "0xff" hack here...
> Your right, this looks clearer.  I'll try this approach.

I ultimately decided not to go with this approach as test failures
didn't call qtest_quit(), and the process under test is left running
after gtester exits.

Instead I split the current time test off into a second executable.
This avoids all of the magic.

FYI.  I also looked at using g_test_add(), keeping the QTestState* in a
Fixture struct, and using setup and teardown functions to call
qtest_start()/qtest_quit().  This works, but seemed to me like too much
effort in this case.

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