On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 2:56 PM, Thomas Huth <th...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 29.01.2018 04:31, Fam Zheng wrote:
> [...]
>> +1. Create a new source file. For example, ``tests/test-foo.c``.
> [...]
>> +1. Create a new source file for the test. (More than one file can be added 
>> as
>> +   necessary.) For example, ``tests/test-foo-device.c``.  2. Write the test
>> +   code with the glib and libqtest/libqos API. See also existing tests and 
>> the
>> +   library headers for reference.
> Can you please name the examples tests/foo-test.c and
> tests/foo-device-test.c instead? Then the binaries will be covered by
> the wildcard in tests/.gitignore automatically. Otherwise the list in
> that gitignore file will grow and grow... Maybe it's also worth to
> mention the naming scheme in this doc file?

Yeah, I can do it. It's just I fail to find a definitive guideline on
test-* vs *-test for the names, and the numbers are neck-and-neck:

fam@lemon:~/work/qemu [master]$ ls tests/*test.c | wc -l
fam@lemon:~/work/qemu [master]$ ls tests/test-*.c | wc -l

>> +Image fuzzier testing
>> +=====================
>> +
>> +An image fuzzier was added to exercise format drivers. Currently only qcow2 
>> is
>> +supported. To start the fuzzier, run
> s/fuzzier/fuzzer/g ?


Thanks for reviewing!


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