Igor, sorry for my late response due to chines new year holiday. On 2017/12/28 20:29, Igor Mammedov wrote: >> +enum AcpiHestNotifyType { >> + ACPI_HEST_NOTIFY_POLLED = 0, >> + ACPI_HEST_NOTIFY_EXTERNAL = 1, >> + ACPI_HEST_NOTIFY_LOCAL = 2, >> + ACPI_HEST_NOTIFY_SCI = 3, >> + ACPI_HEST_NOTIFY_NMI = 4, >> + ACPI_HEST_NOTIFY_CMCI = 5, /* ACPI 5.0 */ > for stuff coming from spec comment should be something like this > /* ACPI 1.0b: Type 1 Opcodes Encoding: DefReturn */ > > i.e. concrete version, chapter/table > otherwise it could be hard to find definition in huge spec Ok, got it. I am modifying it. Appreciated for your detailed comments. sure, it needs to be updated.
> >> + ACPI_HEST_NOTIFY_MCE = 6, /* ACPI 5.0 */ >> + ACPI_HEST_NOTIFY_GPIO = 7, /* ACPI 6.0 */ >> + ACPI_HEST_NOTIFY_SEA = 8, /* ACPI 6.1 */