Doesn't make that much sense IMHO as the both provide quite simliar
informations (i.e. "info spice" gives you a list of connections with
pretty much the same info provided by the events).
If you are wanting to record/log incoming connections, then you
can't use 'info spice' to get the details, because between the
time of getting the event notification of the new client and
calling 'info spice' to get the client details, the client can
have disconnected. Thus all the info needs to be provided in the
event, even if it is also available in 'info spice'. This is the
same as with VNC events.
Sure. All the info is given in both cases, thats why there is quite
some code sharing ;) I'll go split the patch nevertheless, with the doc
updates added it indeed makes sense.
"info spice" can be used to figure the connections which did already
exist before management connected to qmp. Later on just processing the
events gives you all informations you need.