Wherever possible, replace all printfs with proper tracing.
In most places I've tried to do a straight replacement, but
forthcoming patches may calibrate the tracing to be a little nicer.

For now, it's nice to just remove the all-or-nothing tracing.

For V2, I opted to leave in the nearly redundant tracers for now
with their individual names so that they can be targeted individually.

[----] : patches are identical
[####] : number of functional differences between upstream/downstream patch
[down] : patch is downstream-only
The flags [FC] indicate (F)unctional and (C)ontextual differences, respectively

001/9:[0020] [FC] 'IDE: replace DEBUG_IDE with tracing system'
002/9:[0004] [FC] 'IDE: Add register hints to tracing'
003/9:[0005] [FC] 'IDE: add tracing for data ports'
004/9:[0004] [FC] 'ATAPI: Replace DEBUG_IDE_ATAPI with tracing events'
005/9:[0013] [FC] 'IDE: replace DEBUG_AIO with trace events'
006/9:[0007] [FC] 'AHCI: Replace DPRINTF with trace-events'
007/9:[----] [--] 'AHCI: Rework IRQ constants'
008/9:[0001] [FC] 'AHCI: pretty-print FIS to buffer instead of stderr'
009/9:[----] [--] 'AHCI: remove DPRINTF macro'


01: Rehabilitate commit message.
    Fix switch () statement spacing. (Eric)
    Adjust spacing in ide-tracing file to maintain columns.
    Change filename orderings in trace-events. (Eric)
    Fixed newline issue in trace-events. (Eric)

02: Context / Added R-B.

03: Added trace-events items to appropriate patch (removed from 04) (Eric)
    Added a verbose warning for data tracers (Eric)

04: Shifted items to 03 (Eric)
    Fixed newline issue (Eric)

05: Changed __END to __COUNT (Philippe)
    Removed __BEGIN enumerator (Philippe)

06: Added more information to unknown write (Philippe)

08: Context (Entropy)

John Snow (9):
  IDE: replace DEBUG_IDE with tracing system
  IDE: Add register hints to tracing
  IDE: add tracing for data ports
  ATAPI: Replace DEBUG_IDE_ATAPI with tracing events
  IDE: replace DEBUG_AIO with trace events
  AHCI: Replace DPRINTF with trace-events
  AHCI: Rework IRQ constants
  AHCI: pretty-print FIS to buffer instead of stderr
  AHCI: remove DPRINTF macro

 Makefile.objs             |   1 +
 hw/ide/ahci.c             | 269 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 hw/ide/ahci_internal.h    |  44 ++++++--
 hw/ide/atapi.c            |  69 +++++-------
 hw/ide/cmd646.c           |  10 +-
 hw/ide/core.c             | 178 +++++++++++++++++++-----------
 hw/ide/pci.c              |  17 +--
 hw/ide/piix.c             |  11 +-
 hw/ide/trace-events       | 111 +++++++++++++++++++
 hw/ide/via.c              |  10 +-
 include/hw/ide/internal.h |   8 +-
 11 files changed, 456 insertions(+), 272 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 hw/ide/trace-events


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