From: "Dr. David Alan Gilbert" <>

  This is a RFC/WIP series that enables postcopy migration
with shared memory to a vhost-user process.
It's based off current-head + Juan's load_cleanup series, and
Alexey's bitmap series (v4).  It's very lightly tested and seems
to work, but it's quite rough.

I've modified the vhost-user-bridge (aka vhub) in qemu's tests/ to
use the new feature, since this is about the simplest
client around.


The basic idea is that near the start of postcopy, the client
opens its own userfaultfd fd and sends that back to QEMU over
the socket it's already using for VHUST_USER_* commands.
Then when VHOST_USER_SET_MEM_TABLE arrives it registers the
areas with userfaultfd and sends the mapped addresses back to QEMU.

QEMU then reads the clients UFD in it's fault thread and issues
requests back to the source as needed.
QEMU also issues 'WAKE' ioctls on the UFD to let the client know
that the page has arrived and can carry on.

A new feature (VHOST_USER_PROTOCOL_F_POSTCOPY) is added so that
the QEMU knows the client can talk postcopy.
added to guide the process along.

Current known issues:
   I've not tested it with hugepages yet; and I suspect the madvises
   will need tweaking for it.

   The qemu gets to see the base addresses that the client has its
   regions mapped at; that's not great for security

   Take care of deadlocking; any thread in the client that
   accesses a userfault protected page can stall.

   There's a nasty hack of a lock around the set_mem_table message.

   I've not looked at the recent IOMMU code.

   Some cleanup and a lot of corner cases need thinking about.

   There are probably plenty of unknown issues as well.

Test setup:
  I'm running on one host at the moment, with the guest
  scping a large file from the host as it migrates.
  The setup is based on one I found in the vhost-user setups.
  You'll need a recent kernel for the shared memory support
  in userfaultfd, and userfault isn't that happy if a process
  using shared memory core's - so make sure you have the
  latest fixes.

ulimit -c unlimited
tmux -L $SESS new-session -d
tmux -L $SESS set-option -g history-limit 30000
# Start a router using the system qemu
tmux -L $SESS new-window -n router ./x86_64-softmmu/qemu-system-x86_64 -M none 
-nographic -net socket,vlan=0,udp=loca
lhost:4444,localaddr=localhost:5555 -net 
socket,vlan=0,udp=localhost:4445,localaddr=localhost:5556 -net user,vlan=0
tmux -L $SESS set-option -g set-remain-on-exit on
# Start source vhost bridge
tmux -L $SESS new-window -n srcvhostbr "./tests/vhost-user-bridge -u 
/tmp/vubrsrc.sock 2>src-vub-log"
sleep 0.5
tmux -L $SESS new-window -n source "./x86_64-softmmu/qemu-system-x86_64 
-enable-kvm -m 8G -smp 2 -object memory-backe
nd-file,id=mem,size=8G,mem-path=/dev/shm,share=on -numa node,memdev=mem 
-mem-prealloc -chardev socket,id=char0,path=/
tmp/vubrsrc.sock -netdev type=vhost-user,id=mynet1,chardev=char0,vhostforce 
-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=mynet1 my.qcow2 -net none -vnc :0 -monitor stdio 
-trace events=/root/trace-file 2>src-qemu-log "
# Start dest vhost bridge
tmux -L $SESS new-window -n destvhostbr "./tests/vhost-user-bridge -u 
/tmp/vubrdst.sock -l -r 127.0.0.
1:5556 2>dst-vub-log"
sleep 0.5
tmux -L $SESS new-window -n dest "./x86_64-softmmu/qemu-system-x86_64 
-enable-kvm -m 8G -smp 2 -object memory-backend
-file,id=mem,size=8G,mem-path=/dev/shm,share=on -numa node,memdev=mem 
-mem-prealloc -chardev socket,id=char0,path=/tm
p/vubrdst.sock -netdev type=vhost-user,id=mynet1,chardev=char0,vhostforce 
-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=mynet1 my.qcow2 -net none -vnc :1 -monitor stdio 
-incoming tcp::8888 -trace events=/root/trace-file 2>dst-qemu-log"
tmux -L $SESS send-keys -t source "migrate_set_capability postcopy-ram on
tmux -L $SESS send-keys -t source "migrate_set_speed 20M
tmux -L $SESS send-keys -t dest "migrate_set_capability postcopy-ram on

then once booted:
tmux -L vhost send-keys -t source 'migrate -d tcp:0:8888^M'
tmux -L vhost send-keys -t source 'migrate_start_postcopy^M'
(Note those ^M's are actual ctrl-M's i.e. ctrl-v ctrl-M)


Dr. David Alan Gilbert (29):
  RAMBlock/migration: Add migration flags
  migrate: Update ram_block_discard_range for shared
  migration/ram: ramblock_recv_bitmap_test_byte_offset
  postcopy: use UFFDIO_ZEROPAGE only when available
  postcopy: Add notifier chain
  postcopy: Add vhost-user flag for postcopy and check it
  vhost-user: Add 'VHOST_USER_POSTCOPY_ADVISE' message
  vhub: Support sending fds back to qemu
  vhub: Open userfaultfd
  postcopy: Allow registering of fd handler
  vhost+postcopy: Register shared ufd with postcopy
  vhost+postcopy: Transmit 'listen' to client
  vhost+postcopy: Register new regions with the ufd
  vhost+postcopy: Send address back to qemu
  vhost+postcopy: Stash RAMBlock and offset
  vhost+postcopy: Send requests to source for shared pages
  vhost+postcopy: Resolve client address
  postcopy: wake shared
  postcopy: postcopy_notify_shared_wake
  vhost+postcopy: Add vhost waker
  vhost+postcopy: Call wakeups
  vub+postcopy: madvises
  vhost+postcopy: Lock around set_mem_table
  vhu: enable = false on get_vring_base
  vhost: Add VHOST_USER_POSTCOPY_END message
  vhost+postcopy: Wire up POSTCOPY_END notify
  postcopy: Allow shared memory
  vhost-user: Claim support for postcopy

 contrib/libvhost-user/libvhost-user.c | 178 ++++++++++++++++-
 contrib/libvhost-user/libvhost-user.h |   8 +
 exec.c                                |  44 +++--
 hw/virtio/trace-events                |  13 ++
 hw/virtio/vhost-user.c                | 293 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 include/exec/cpu-common.h             |   3 +
 include/exec/ram_addr.h               |   2 +
 migration/migration.c                 |   3 +
 migration/migration.h                 |   8 +
 migration/postcopy-ram.c              | 357 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 migration/postcopy-ram.h              |  69 +++++++
 migration/ram.c                       |   5 +
 migration/ram.h                       |   1 +
 migration/savevm.c                    |  13 ++
 migration/trace-events                |   6 +
 trace-events                          |   3 +
 vl.c                                  |   4 +-
 17 files changed, 926 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)


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