On 04/10/2017 03:08 AM, Amarnath Valluri wrote:

On 07.04.2017 17:41, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
On Fri, Apr 07, 2017 at 05:30:31PM +0300, Amarnath Valluri wrote:
This change introduces a new TPM backend driver that can communicate with
swtpm(software TPM emulator) using unix domain socket interface.

Swtpm uses two unix sockets, one for plain TPM commands and responses, and one
for out-of-band control messages.

The swtpm and associated tools can be found here:

     # setup TPM state directory
     mkdir /tmp/mytpm
     chown -R tss:root /tmp/mytpm
     /usr/bin/swtpm_setup --tpm-state /tmp/mytpm --createek

     # Ask qemu to use TPM emulator with given tpm state directory
     qemu-system-x86_64 \
         [...] \
-tpmdev emulator,id=tpm0,tpmstatedir=/tmp/mytpm,logfile=/tmp/swtpm.log \
         -device tpm-tis,tpmdev=tpm0 \

Signed-off-by: Amarnath Valluri <amarnath.vall...@intel.com>
  configure             |  15 +-
  hmp.c                 |  21 ++
  hw/tpm/Makefile.objs  |   1 +
hw/tpm/tpm_emulator.c | 927 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  hw/tpm/tpm_ioctl.h    | 243 +++++++++++++
  qapi-schema.json      |  36 +-
  qemu-options.hx       |  53 ++-
  tpm.c                 |   2 +-
  8 files changed, 1289 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
  create mode 100644 hw/tpm/tpm_emulator.c
  create mode 100644 hw/tpm/tpm_ioctl.h
+static int tpm_emulator_spawn_emulator(TPMEmulator *tpm_pt)
+    int fds[2] = { -1, -1 };
+    int ctrl_fds[2] = { -1, -1 };
+    pid_t cpid;
+    if (!tpm_pt->ops->has_data_path) {
+        if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0, fds) < 0) {
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!tpm_pt->ops->has_ctrl_path) {
+        if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0, ctrl_fds) < 0) {
+            if (!tpm_pt->ops->has_data_path) {
+                closesocket(fds[0]);
+                closesocket(fds[1]);
+            }
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    cpid = qemu_fork(NULL);
+    if (cpid < 0) {
+ error_report("tpm-emulator: Fork failure: %s", strerror(errno));
+        if (!tpm_pt->ops->has_data_path) {
+            closesocket(fds[0]);
+            closesocket(fds[1]);
+        }
+        if (!tpm_pt->ops->has_ctrl_path) {
+            closesocket(ctrl_fds[0]);
+            closesocket(ctrl_fds[1]);
+        }
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (cpid == 0) { /* CHILD */
+        enum {
+            PARAM_PATH,
+            PARAM_IFACE,
+            PARAM_CTRL,    PARAM_CTRL_ARGS,
+            PARAM_LOG,     PARAM_LOG_ARGS,
+            PARAM_MAX
+        };
+        int i;
+        int data_fd = -1, ctrl_fd = -1;
+        char *argv[PARAM_MAX+1];
+        /* close all unused inherited sockets */
+        if (fds[0] >= 0)
+            closesocket(fds[0]);
+        if (ctrl_fds[0] >= 0)
+            closesocket(ctrl_fds[0]);
The 'if' checks are pointless - its already guaranteed by the
fact you check socketpair() status.
socketpairs might not be created in case of data-path & ctrl-path provided, so i feel these checks are needed.

+        i = STDERR_FILENO + 1;
+        if (fds[1] >= 0) {
+            data_fd = dup2(fds[1], i++);
+            if (data_fd < 0) {
+                error_report("tpm-emulator: dup2() failure - %s",
+                             strerror(errno));
+                goto exit_child;
+            }
+        }
+        if (ctrl_fds[1] >= 0) {
+            ctrl_fd = dup2(ctrl_fds[1], i++);
+            if (ctrl_fd < 0) {
+                error_report("tpm-emulator: dup2() failure - %s",
+                             strerror(errno));
+                goto exit_child;
+            }
+        }
+        for ( ; i < _SC_OPEN_MAX; i++) {
Errr, _SC_OPEN_MAX is not the maximum number of FDs - it is parameter to
use with sysconf() to query the number of files - you must call sysconf().
Ya, thanks for educating me, i will change this.

+            closesocket(i);
close, not closesocket - you can't assume these are all sockets.
Does this change makes any difference, as per include/sysemu/os-posix.h, closesocket() is define as close(), and this backend is targeted only for "Linux" targets. Please let me know if i am missing something.

+        DPRINT("\n")
+        if (execv(tpm_pt->ops->path, (char * const *)argv) < 0) {
+            error_report("execv() failure : %s", strerror(errno));
+        }
+        g_strfreev(argv);
+        if (data_fd >= 0)
+            closesocket(data_fd);
+        if (ctrl_fd >= 0)
+            closesocket(ctrl_fd);
+        exit(0);
You need _exit(), not exit() as you don't want to run atexit() handlers
here. You also want '1' not '0' since this is a failure scenario.
Sure, i will change this.

+    } else { /* self */
+        struct stat st;
+        DPRINTF("child pid: %d", cpid);
+        int rc;
+        int timeout = 3; /* wait for max 3 seconds */
+        /* close unsed sockets */
+        if (fds[1] >= 0)
+            closesocket(fds[1]);
+        if (ctrl_fds[1] >= 0)
+            closesocket(ctrl_fds[1]);
+ while((rc = stat(TPM_EMULATOR_PIDFILE, &st)) < 0 && timeout--) {
+            sleep(1);
+        }
A fixed 3 second timeout will inevitably cause failures on systems with
high load.

Presumably you're trying to handle the scenario where the child process
exits without creating the pid file ?
The check is mainly to know if the child setup is done and ready to accept requests.

In which case you can use 'kill(cpid, 0)' and if errno == ESRCH
then the child has exited.

+        if (timeout == -1) {
+            error_report("tpm-emulator: failed to find pid file: %s",
+                         strerror(errno));
+            goto err_kill_child;
+        }
+ tpm_pt->data_ioc = _iochannel_new(tpm_pt->ops->data_path, fds[0], NULL);
+        if (!tpm_pt->data_ioc) {
+ error_report("tpm-emulator: Unable to connect socket : %s",
+                          tpm_pt->ops->data_path);
+            goto err_kill_child;
+        }
+ tpm_pt->ctrl_ioc = _iochannel_new(tpm_pt->ops->ctrl_path, ctrl_fds[0], NULL);
+        if (!tpm_pt->ctrl_ioc) {
+ error_report("tpm-emulator: Unable to connect socket : %s",
+                          tpm_pt->ops->ctrl_path);
+            goto err_kill_child;
+        }
+        tpm_pt->child_running = true;
+        qemu_add_child_watch(cpid);
+        qio_channel_add_watch(tpm_pt->data_ioc, G_IO_HUP|G_IO_ERR,
+                              tpm_emulator_fd_handler, tpm_pt, NULL);
+    }
+    return 0;
+    kill(cpid, SIGTERM);
+    closesocket(fds[0]);
+    closesocket(ctrl_fds[0]);
You can't assume the child has gone after a SIGTERM. You need to
check, and be prepared to SIGKILL after time reasonable time,
if needed.
Ok, i will add this check.

+    tpm_pt->child_running = false;
+    return -1;
+static const QemuOptDesc tpm_emulator_cmdline_opts[] = {
+    {
+        .name = "tpmstatedir",
+        .type = QEMU_OPT_STRING,
+        .help = "TPM state directroy",
+    },
+    {
+        .name = "spawn",
+        .type = QEMU_OPT_BOOL,
+        .help = "Wether to spwan given emlatory binary",
+    },
+    {
+        .name = "path",
+        .type = QEMU_OPT_STRING,
+        .help = "Path to TPM emulator binary",
+    },
+    {
+        .name = "data-path",
+        .type = QEMU_OPT_STRING,
+        .help = "Socket path to use for data exhange",
+    },
+    {
+        .name = "ctrl-path",
+        .type = QEMU_OPT_STRING,
+        .help = "Socket path to use for out-of-band control messages",
+    },
I'm still not convinced by the need for 2 separate UNIX sockets, unless
there's a performance reason, but that looks unlikely.
I myself, is not expert of swtpm's interface, hence i cannot defend this.
i am just trying to enable emulation support in qemu using swtpm. Stefan Berger is the right person to comment on this.

I don't understand what the issue is with running the control and data channels over different file descriptors.

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