On Sat, 4 Mar 2017, Peter Maydell wrote:
On 3 March 2017 at 20:11, BALATON Zoltan <bala...@eik.bme.hu> wrote:
On Fri, 3 Mar 2017, Peter Maydell wrote:
So what cases have you tested? The Linux kernel seems to support:
* sh embedded device, little endian
* PCI card, little endian host
* PCI card, big endian host
and there are also
* 16 bit pixel format
* 32 bit pixel format

which makes 6 different combinations.
(It's a shame there's no sh4 BE code to run on this.)

As mentioned before I've used this image to test SH:


with video=800x600-16 kernel parameter where changing -16 to different bit
depths (8, 32) reproduces the problem. On ppc I've tested with MorphOS which
uses 16 bpp, Linux and U-boot which I think uses 8 bit. These run on real
hardware so I think if they work the emulation should be OK.

You've said before that PCI is likely always little endian and SH embedded
is LE too so unless something uses the device in BE mode (which we don't
emulate) setting it to little endian should be correct. For frame buffer
endianness I can only go with what I've seen clients doing and my patch does
what worked for the above on SH and PPC. I can't prove it's correct but
works for the systems I've targeted and also fixes the SH case which seemed
to be broken.

Right, but we should test the PCI-on-a-little-endian CPU
case, because right now your code has #ifdef TARGET_WORDS_BIGENDIAN
in it which means that the PCI device will behave differently
on big and little endian CPUs, and you have a case that you
haven't tested.

I could not find an image to test this. I've tried removing the sysbus version from SH and add a PCI one instead but then Linux did not seem to find the card. I could not find any other OS images that would have this combination that is also known to work on any real hardware so I think if someone ever finds a problem with such combination then we can fix it when having a test case, since I could not figure out theoretically what should be the right way.

(At the moment with the set of cases you've tested the
sh embedded device ones will always be using the "not
TARGET_WORDS_BIGENDIAN" code and the PCI-on-PPC will
always use the "is TARGET_WORDS_BIGENDIAN" code. But
TARGET_WORDS_BIGENDIAN set/not set is orthogonal to

Why do you think that framebuffer endianness is dependent on PCI-vs-embedded as opposed to target endianness? The latter seems more plausible to me. The TARGET_WORDS_BIGENDIAN was already there for 32 bit case. My patch only adds it to the 16 bit too and fixing the bytes for both (which seemed to be already wrong even on SH). So I think previously it was broken, my patch fixes it to be better (or at most broken in a different way) so I don't think it's worse than before thus, an improvement.

-- PMM

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