On 02/17/2017 10:34 AM, Eric Blake wrote:
> On 02/17/2017 03:28 AM, Peter Maydell wrote:
>> On 17 February 2017 at 06:43, Fam Zheng <f...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> But your point is taken, we should make the first (or a one-shot)
>>> contribution as easy as possible.
>> Yes; we could do with providing a "This page seems very long..."
>> introduction section. The absolute bare minimum requirements
>> for a submitter I think are:
>>  * Provide a Signed-off-by: line (this is a hard requirement
>>    because it's how you say "I'm legally OK to contribute this
>>    and am happy for it to go into QEMU")
>>  * send patch by email
>>  * read replies and act on them if you want your patch to go in
>> The larger your contribution is, the more important the other
>> requirements detailed on the page are; but personally I'm
>> happy to manually fix up patches from a first-time submitter,
>> and I think most other maintainers are too.
> I've updated the wiki to put in that nice bullet list, prior to the
> table of contents.
Is there a way we can make the quickstart exist in a pop-box?

Also, any way to wrap the text on the rest of the introductory article?
If you fullscreen this on a widescreen monitor you have to chase the
letters to the far corners of the earth.

Formatting the article more nicely might help its readability. It's also
worth noting that just /reading the outline/ gives you enough advice,
reading the details are actually not strictly necessary.


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