On 12/07/2016 10:34 AM, Eric Blake wrote:
> On 12/07/2016 10:16 AM, Kevin Wolf wrote:
>> Am 02.12.2016 um 20:22 hat Eric Blake geschrieben:
>>> Use blkdebug's new geometry constraints to emulate setups that
>>> have caused recent regression fixes: write zeroes asserting
>>> when running through a loopback block device with max-transfer
>>> smaller than cluster size, and discard rounding away portions
>>> of requests not aligned to preferred boundaries.  Also, add
>>> coverage that the block layer is honoring max transfer limits.
>>> +
>>> +_supported_fmt qcow2
>>> +_supported_proto file
>>> +
>>> +size=128M
>>> +options=driver=blkdebug,image.driver=qcow2
>>> +
>>> +echo
>>> +echo "== setting up files =="
>>> +
>>> +_make_test_img $size
>>> +$QEMU_IO -c "write -P 11 0 $size" "$TEST_IMG" | _filter_qemu_io
>>> +mv "$TEST_IMG" "$TEST_IMG.base"
>> I know that you declared "_supported_proto file", but if you don't use
>> mv after creating the image, it might actually work with other
>> protocols.
>> Most other tests use something like this:
>>     TEST_IMG="$TEST_IMG.base" _make_test_img $size
>> And for the qemu-io invocation you can just use the right filename.
> Thanks.  I obviously copied-and-pasted from an earlier test, rather than
> a later one, so I'll make the tweaks in v4.

Even with the tweaks, I still wasn't able to get things like:

./check -qcow2 -nfs 173

to work.  I'm probably missing something trivial, but if someone wants
to improve the test as a follow-up, they can be my guest.  I'll go ahead
and post v4 with the cleaner creation of the backing file, but leave the
_supported_proto file line for now.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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