Hmm, there are other contents in this file need to be updated,
for example, we support blockdev-add command for nbd now,
so we can convert the related hmp command to qmp command way.
But since we didn't integrate COLO frame with block replication
and proxy, It is OK to fix them later.

For COLO, the basic capability is still incomplete,
but now we got into 'Soft feature freeze' stage,
I'm wondering if it is possible at this point to combine
COLO frame with proxy and block replication which only needs
three or four patches that only touch colo related files ...
Or uses still can't test COLO feature in qemu 2.8.

Any ideas ? Thanks.

On 2016/11/1 11:38, Zhang Chen wrote:
Fix COLO-Proxy part of COLO architecture diagram

Signed-off-by: Zhang Chen <>

Reviewed-by: zhanghailiang <>

All such patches can go through trivial branch.


  docs/COLO-FT.txt | 72 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
  1 file changed, 37 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/COLO-FT.txt b/docs/COLO-FT.txt
index 6282938..e289be2 100644
--- a/docs/COLO-FT.txt
+++ b/docs/COLO-FT.txt
@@ -41,41 +41,43 @@ identical responses to all client requests. Once the 
differences in the outputs
  are detected between the PVM and SVM, COLO withholds transmission of the
  outbound packets until it has successfully synchronized the PVM state to the 

-   Primary Node                                                            
Secondary Node
- +------------+  +-----------------------+       +------------------------+  
- |            |  |       HeartBeat       |<----->|       HeartBeat        |  | 
- | Primary VM |  +-----------|-----------+       +-----------|------------+  
|Secondary VM|
- |            |              |                               |               | 
- |            |  +-----------|-----------+       +-----------|------------+  | 
- |            |  |QEMU   +---v----+      |       |QEMU  +----v---+        |  | 
- |            |  |       |Failover|      |       |      |Failover|        |  | 
- |            |  |       +--------+      |       |      +--------+        |  | 
- |            |  |   +---------------+   |       |   +---------------+    |  | 
- |            |  |   | VM Checkpoint |-------------->| VM Checkpoint |    |  | 
- |            |  |   +---------------+   |       |   +---------------+    |  | 
- |            |  |                       |       |                        |  | 
- |Responses----------------------\ /--|--------------\  
- |            |  |               | |  |  |       |   |  |                 |  | 
- |            |  | +-----------+ | |  |  |       |   |  |  +------------+ |  | 
- |            |  | | COLO disk | | |  |  |       |   |  |  | COLO disk  | |  | 
- |            |  | |   Manager |-|-|--|--------------|--|->| Manager    | |  | 
- |            |  | +|----------+ | |  |  |       |   |  |  +-----------|+ |  | 
- |            |  |  |            | |  |  |       |   |  |              |  |  | 
- +------------+  +--|------------|-|--|--+       +---|--|--------------|--+  
-                    |            | |  |              |  |              |
- +-------------+    | +----------v-v--|--+       +---|--v-----------+  |    
- |  VM Monitor |    | |  COLO Proxy      |       |    COLO Proxy    |  |    | 
VM Monitor  |
- |             |    | |(compare packet)  |       | (adjust sequence)|  |    |  
- +-------------+    | +----------|----^--+       +------------------+  |    
-                    |            |    |                                |
- +------------------|------------|----|--+       
- |   Kernel         |            |    |  |       |   Kernel            |       
- +------------------|------------|----|--+       
-                    |            |    |                                |
-     +--------------v+  +--------v----|--+       +------------------+ 
-     |   Storage     |  |External Network|       | External Network | |   
Storage    |
-     +---------------+  +----------------+       +------------------+ 
+  Primary Node                                                            
Secondary Node
++------------+  +-----------------------+       +------------------------+  
+|            |  |       HeartBeat       +<----->+       HeartBeat        |  |  
+| Primary VM |  +-----------+-----------+       +-----------+------------+  
|Secondary VM|
+|            |              |                               |               |  
+|            |  +-----------|-----------+       +-----------|------------+  |  
+|            |  |QEMU   +---v----+      |       |QEMU  +----v---+        |  |  
+|            |  |       |Failover|      |       |      |Failover|        |  |  
+|            |  |       +--------+      |       |      +--------+        |  |  
+|            |  |   +---------------+   |       |   +---------------+    |  |  
+|            |  |   | VM Checkpoint +-------------->+ VM Checkpoint |    |  |  
+|            |  |   +---------------+   |       |   +---------------+    |  |  
+|Requests<--------------------------\ /-----------------\ 
+|            |  |                   ^ ^ |       |       | |              |  |  
+|Responses+---------------------\ /-|-|------------\ 
+|            |  |               | | | | |       |  | |  | |              |  |  
+|            |  | +-----------+ | | | | |       |  | |  | | +----------+ |  |  
+|            |  | | COLO disk | | | | | |       |  | |  | | | COLO disk| |  |  
+|            |  | |   Manager +---------------------------->| Manager  | |  |  
+|            |  | ++----------+ v v | | |       |  | v  v | +---------++ |  |  
+|            |  |  |+-----------+-+-+-++|       | ++-+--+-+---------+ |  |  |  
+|            |  |  ||   COLO Proxy     ||       | |   COLO Proxy    | |  |  |  
+|            |  |  || (compare packet  ||       | |(adjust sequence | |  |  |  
+|            |  |  ||and mirror packet)||       | |    and ACK)     | |  |  |  
+|            |  |  |+------------+---+-+|       | +-----------------+ |  |  |  
++------------+  +-----------------------+       +------------------------+  
++------------+     |             |   |                                |     
+| VM Monitor |     |             |   |                                |     | 
VM Monitor |
++------------+     |             |   |                                |     
+|   Kernel         |             |   |  |       |   Kernel            |        
+                   |             |   |                                |
+    +--------------v+  +---------v---+--+       +------------------+ 
+    |   Storage     |  |External Network|       | External Network | |   
Storage    |
+    +---------------+  +----------------+       +------------------+ 

  == Components introduction ==

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