On 11 October 2016 at 16:51, Taylor Edward Heimbichner
<theimbich...@email.arizona.edu> wrote:
> I'm a student researcher with the University of Arizona's Computer Science
> Department. I'm writing to ask if any executable that you use to test QEMU
> systematically tests all, or at least a large portion, of the x86
> instruction set? We're working on a project that involves dynamic taint
> analysis and would like to use an executable like this to comprehensively
> test our work. Thank you.

My suggestions would be one of:
(a) extend the 'risu' tool
to handle x86

(b) look at valgrind's test suite, which is much more comprehensive
than QEMU's is.

NB: neither of these makes any attempt at testing 'system'
instructions, only those which can be used by a userspace

-- PMM

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