On 10 October 2016 at 05:55, David Gibson <da...@gibson.dropbear.id.au> wrote:
> However right now - until we get fixed-endianness qtest accessors of
> some sort - this test is more or less necessary to make most tests
> cross platform correct (except PCI, see below).  That's because the
> testcase will generally know the endianness of the hardware it's
> testing, but has to compensate for the endianness that the
> readw/writew primitives will use along the way.

The test case isn't testing the hardware (device), though, it's
testing the hardware in a system. The same device in QEMU board A
could be behind a bridge or otherwise differently wired by
the SoC from the device in QEMU board B. The qtest setup
doesn't instantiate a device and talk directly to it, it
instantiates a board and talks over the same interface the
emulated CPU would.

-- PMM

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