Fix some problems with the tracepoints for ICC register reads
and writes:
 * tracepoints for ICC_BPR<n>, ICC_AP<n>R<x>, ICC_IGRPEN<n>,
   ICC_EIOR<n> were not printing the <n> that indicated whether
   the access was to the group 0 or 1 register
 * the ICC_IGREPEN1_EL3 read function was not actually calling
   the associated tracepoint
 * the ICC_BPR<n> write function was incorrectly calling the
   tracepoint for ICC_PMR writes

Signed-off-by: Peter Maydell <>
 hw/intc/arm_gicv3_cpuif.c | 23 +++++++++++++++--------
 hw/intc/trace-events      | 14 +++++++-------
 2 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hw/intc/arm_gicv3_cpuif.c b/hw/intc/arm_gicv3_cpuif.c
index 4633172..bca30c4 100644
--- a/hw/intc/arm_gicv3_cpuif.c
+++ b/hw/intc/arm_gicv3_cpuif.c
@@ -454,7 +454,8 @@ static void icc_eoir_write(CPUARMState *env, const 
ARMCPRegInfo *ri,
     int irq = value & 0xffffff;
     int grp;
-    trace_gicv3_icc_eoir_write(gicv3_redist_affid(cs), value);
+    trace_gicv3_icc_eoir_write(ri->crm == 8 ? 0 : 1,
+                               gicv3_redist_affid(cs), value);
     if (ri->crm == 8) {
         /* EOIR0 */
@@ -542,7 +543,7 @@ static uint64_t icc_bpr_read(CPUARMState *env, const 
ARMCPRegInfo *ri)
         bpr = MIN(bpr, 7);
-    trace_gicv3_icc_bpr_read(gicv3_redist_affid(cs), bpr);
+    trace_gicv3_icc_bpr_read(ri->crm == 8 ? 0 : 1, gicv3_redist_affid(cs), 
     return bpr;
@@ -553,7 +554,8 @@ static void icc_bpr_write(CPUARMState *env, const 
ARMCPRegInfo *ri,
     GICv3CPUState *cs = icc_cs_from_env(env);
     int grp = (ri->crm == 8) ? GICV3_G0 : GICV3_G1;
-    trace_gicv3_icc_pmr_write(gicv3_redist_affid(cs), value);
+    trace_gicv3_icc_bpr_write(ri->crm == 8 ? 0 : 1,
+                              gicv3_redist_affid(cs), value);
     if (grp == GICV3_G1 && gicv3_use_ns_bank(env)) {
         grp = GICV3_G1NS;
@@ -591,7 +593,7 @@ static uint64_t icc_ap_read(CPUARMState *env, const 
ARMCPRegInfo *ri)
     value = cs->icc_apr[grp][regno];
-    trace_gicv3_icc_ap_read(regno, gicv3_redist_affid(cs), value);
+    trace_gicv3_icc_ap_read(ri->crm & 1, regno, gicv3_redist_affid(cs), value);
     return value;
@@ -603,7 +605,7 @@ static void icc_ap_write(CPUARMState *env, const 
ARMCPRegInfo *ri,
     int regno = ri->opc2 & 3;
     int grp = ri->crm & 1 ? GICV3_G0 : GICV3_G1;
-    trace_gicv3_icc_ap_write(regno, gicv3_redist_affid(cs), value);
+    trace_gicv3_icc_ap_write(ri->crm & 1, regno, gicv3_redist_affid(cs), 
     if (grp == GICV3_G1 && gicv3_use_ns_bank(env)) {
         grp = GICV3_G1NS;
@@ -820,7 +822,8 @@ static uint64_t icc_igrpen_read(CPUARMState *env, const 
ARMCPRegInfo *ri)
     value = cs->icc_igrpen[grp];
-    trace_gicv3_icc_igrpen_read(gicv3_redist_affid(cs), value);
+    trace_gicv3_icc_igrpen_read(ri->opc2 & 1 ? 1 : 0,
+                                gicv3_redist_affid(cs), value);
     return value;
@@ -830,7 +833,8 @@ static void icc_igrpen_write(CPUARMState *env, const 
ARMCPRegInfo *ri,
     GICv3CPUState *cs = icc_cs_from_env(env);
     int grp = ri->opc2 & 1 ? GICV3_G1 : GICV3_G0;
-    trace_gicv3_icc_igrpen_write(gicv3_redist_affid(cs), value);
+    trace_gicv3_icc_igrpen_write(ri->opc2 & 1 ? 1 : 0,
+                                 gicv3_redist_affid(cs), value);
     if (grp == GICV3_G1 && gicv3_use_ns_bank(env)) {
         grp = GICV3_G1NS;
@@ -843,9 +847,12 @@ static void icc_igrpen_write(CPUARMState *env, const 
ARMCPRegInfo *ri,
 static uint64_t icc_igrpen1_el3_read(CPUARMState *env, const ARMCPRegInfo *ri)
     GICv3CPUState *cs = icc_cs_from_env(env);
+    uint64_t value;
     /* IGRPEN1_EL3 bits 0 and 1 are r/w aliases into IGRPEN1_EL1 NS and S */
-    return cs->icc_igrpen[GICV3_G1NS] | (cs->icc_igrpen[GICV3_G1] << 1);
+    value = cs->icc_igrpen[GICV3_G1NS] | (cs->icc_igrpen[GICV3_G1] << 1);
+    trace_gicv3_icc_igrpen1_el3_read(gicv3_redist_affid(cs), value);
+    return value;
 static void icc_igrpen1_el3_write(CPUARMState *env, const ARMCPRegInfo *ri,
diff --git a/hw/intc/trace-events b/hw/intc/trace-events
index f12192c..4a23848 100644
--- a/hw/intc/trace-events
+++ b/hw/intc/trace-events
@@ -84,12 +84,12 @@ gic_acknowledge_irq(int cpu, int irq) "cpu %d acknowledged 
irq %d"
 # hw/intc/arm_gicv3_cpuif.c
 gicv3_icc_pmr_read(uint32_t cpu, uint64_t val) "GICv3 ICC_PMR read cpu %x 
value 0x%" PRIx64
 gicv3_icc_pmr_write(uint32_t cpu, uint64_t val) "GICv3 ICC_PMR write cpu %x 
value 0x%" PRIx64
-gicv3_icc_bpr_read(uint32_t cpu, uint64_t val) "GICv3 ICC_BPR read cpu %x 
value 0x%" PRIx64
-gicv3_icc_bpr_write(uint32_t cpu, uint64_t val) "GICv3 ICC_BPR write cpu %x 
value 0x%" PRIx64
-gicv3_icc_ap_read(int regno, uint32_t cpu, uint64_t val) "GICv3 ICC_AP%dR read 
cpu %x value 0x%" PRIx64
-gicv3_icc_ap_write(int regno, uint32_t cpu, uint64_t val) "GICv3 ICC_AP%dR 
write cpu %x value 0x%" PRIx64
-gicv3_icc_igrpen_read(uint32_t cpu, uint64_t val) "GICv3 ICC_IGRPEN read cpu 
%x value 0x%" PRIx64
-gicv3_icc_igrpen_write(uint32_t cpu, uint64_t val) "GICv3 ICC_IGRPEN write cpu 
%x value 0x%" PRIx64
+gicv3_icc_bpr_read(int grp, uint32_t cpu, uint64_t val) "GICv3 ICC_BPR%d read 
cpu %x value 0x%" PRIx64
+gicv3_icc_bpr_write(int grp, uint32_t cpu, uint64_t val) "GICv3 ICC_BPR%d 
write cpu %x value 0x%" PRIx64
+gicv3_icc_ap_read(int grp, int regno, uint32_t cpu, uint64_t val) "GICv3 
ICC_AP%dR%d read cpu %x value 0x%" PRIx64
+gicv3_icc_ap_write(int grp, int regno, uint32_t cpu, uint64_t val) "GICv3 
ICC_AP%dR%d write cpu %x value 0x%" PRIx64
+gicv3_icc_igrpen_read(int grp, uint32_t cpu, uint64_t val) "GICv3 ICC_IGRPEN%d 
read cpu %x value 0x%" PRIx64
+gicv3_icc_igrpen_write(int grp, uint32_t cpu, uint64_t val) "GICv3 
ICC_IGRPEN%d write cpu %x value 0x%" PRIx64
 gicv3_icc_igrpen1_el3_read(uint32_t cpu, uint64_t val) "GICv3 ICC_IGRPEN1_EL3 
read cpu %x value 0x%" PRIx64
 gicv3_icc_igrpen1_el3_write(uint32_t cpu, uint64_t val) "GICv3 ICC_IGRPEN1_EL3 
write cpu %x value 0x%" PRIx64
 gicv3_icc_ctlr_read(uint32_t cpu, uint64_t val) "GICv3 ICC_CTLR read cpu %x 
value 0x%" PRIx64
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ gicv3_cpuif_set_irqs(uint32_t cpuid, int fiqlevel, int 
irqlevel) "GICv3 CPU i/f
 gicv3_icc_generate_sgi(uint32_t cpuid, int irq, int irm, uint32_t aff, 
uint32_t targetlist) "GICv3 CPU i/f %x generating SGI %d IRM %d target affinity 
0x%xxx targetlist 0x%x"
 gicv3_icc_iar0_read(uint32_t cpu, uint64_t val) "GICv3 ICC_IAR0 read cpu %x 
value 0x%" PRIx64
 gicv3_icc_iar1_read(uint32_t cpu, uint64_t val) "GICv3 ICC_IAR1 read cpu %x 
value 0x%" PRIx64
-gicv3_icc_eoir_write(uint32_t cpu, uint64_t val) "GICv3 ICC_EOIR write cpu %x 
value 0x%" PRIx64
+gicv3_icc_eoir_write(int grp, uint32_t cpu, uint64_t val) "GICv3 ICC_EOIR%d 
write cpu %x value 0x%" PRIx64
 gicv3_icc_hppir0_read(uint32_t cpu, uint64_t val) "GICv3 ICC_HPPIR0 read cpu 
%x value 0x%" PRIx64
 gicv3_icc_hppir1_read(uint32_t cpu, uint64_t val) "GICv3 ICC_HPPIR1 read cpu 
%x value 0x%" PRIx64
 gicv3_icc_dir_write(uint32_t cpu, uint64_t val) "GICv3 ICC_DIR write cpu %x 
value 0x%" PRIx64

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