
I have a problem in my custom arm machine to use 9p fs as a rootfs.

9p command line i qemu:

/-device virtio-9p-device,fsdev=host_fs,mount_tag=hostfs -fsdev local,id=host_fs,security_model=none,path=/work/rootfs/

Kernel cmd line:

/--append "root=hostfs rootfstype=9p rootflags=trans=virtio noinitrd console=ttyS3,115200"

/Device tree entry:

/        virtio: virtio_mmio@ff0a4000 {//
//            compatible = "virtio,mmio";//
//            reg = <0xff0a4000 0x200>;//
//            interrupts = <0 72 1>;//
//            status = "okay";//
//        };

/ I can mount this fs from kernel using fstab entry:
/hostfs               /mnt/host            9p trans=virtio          0  0

/Do you have any idea what am I doing wrong?


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