If we silence docker when --quiet is given, we should also silence the
.pre script (i.e. debootstrap).

Only discards stdout, so some diagnostics (e.g. from git clone) are
still printed. Most of the verbose output is gone however and this way
we still have a chance to see error messages.

Signed-off-by: Sascha Silbe <si...@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
 tests/docker/docker.py | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/tests/docker/docker.py b/tests/docker/docker.py
index efb2bf4..b85c165 100755
--- a/tests/docker/docker.py
+++ b/tests/docker/docker.py
@@ -239,8 +239,9 @@ class BuildCommand(SubCommand):
             # Is there a .pre file to run in the build context?
             docker_pre = os.path.splitext(args.dockerfile)[0]+".pre"
             if os.path.exists(docker_pre):
+                stdout = DEVNULL if args.quiet else None
                 rc = subprocess.call(os.path.realpath(docker_pre),
-                                     cwd=docker_dir)
+                                     cwd=docker_dir, stdout=stdout)
                 if rc == 3:
                     print "Skip"
                     return 0

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