The debian-bootstrap image doesn't choose a default architecture and
distribution version, instead the user has to set both DEB_ARCH and
DEB_TYPE in the environment. Print a reasonably helpful message if
either of them isn't set instead of complaining about "qemu-" being
missing or erroring out because we cannot cd to the mirror URL.

Signed-off-by: Sascha Silbe <>
 tests/docker/dockerfiles/debian-bootstrap.pre | 13 +++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/docker/dockerfiles/debian-bootstrap.pre 
index 5d9c8d5..2ae363f 100755
--- a/tests/docker/dockerfiles/debian-bootstrap.pre
+++ b/tests/docker/dockerfiles/debian-bootstrap.pre
@@ -15,6 +15,19 @@ exit_and_skip()
 if [ -z $FAKEROOT ]; then
     echo "Please install fakeroot to enable bootstraping"
+if [ -z "${DEB_ARCH}" ]; then
+    echo "Please set DEB_ARCH to choose an architecture (e.g. armhf)"
+    exit_and_skip
+if [ -z "${DEB_TYPE}" ]; then
+    echo "Please set DEB_TYPE to a Debian archive name (e.g. testing)"
+    exit_and_skip
 # We check in order for

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