Add necessary CPU hotplug methods to handle hotplug

Signed-off-by: Igor Mammedov <>
  - make replace _MAT method with named buffer object
    as its content is static
 hw/acpi/cpu.c         | 187 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 hw/i386/acpi-build.c  |   3 +-
 include/hw/acpi/cpu.h |   4 +-
 3 files changed, 190 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hw/acpi/cpu.c b/hw/acpi/cpu.c
index b3e1cca..28d3894 100644
--- a/hw/acpi/cpu.c
+++ b/hw/acpi/cpu.c
@@ -207,24 +207,178 @@ const VMStateDescription vmstate_cpu_hotplug = {
 #define CPU_NAME_FMT      "C%.03X"
-void build_cpus_aml(Aml *table, MachineState *machine, bool acpi1_compat)
+#define CPU_LOCK          "CPLK"
+#define CPU_STS_METHOD    "CSTA"
+#define CPU_ENABLED       "CPEN"
+#define CPU_SELECTOR      "CSEL"
+#define CPU_EJECT_EVENT   "CEJ0"
+void build_cpus_aml(Aml *table, MachineState *machine, bool acpi1_compat,
+                    const char *res_root, const char *event_handler_method,
+                    hwaddr io_base)
+    Aml *ifctx;
+    Aml *field;
+    Aml *method;
+    Aml *cpu_ctrl_dev;
     Aml *cpus_dev;
+    Aml *zero = aml_int(0);
     Aml *sb_scope = aml_scope("_SB");
     MachineClass *mc = MACHINE_GET_CLASS(machine);
     CPUArchIdList *arch_ids = mc->possible_cpu_arch_ids(machine);
+    char *cphp_res_path = g_strdup_printf("%s." CPUHP_RES_DEVICE, res_root);
+    Object *obj = object_resolve_path_type("", TYPE_ACPI_DEVICE_IF, NULL);
+    AcpiDeviceIfClass *adevc = ACPI_DEVICE_IF_GET_CLASS(obj);
+    AcpiDeviceIf *adev = ACPI_DEVICE_IF(obj);
+    cpu_ctrl_dev = aml_device("%s", cphp_res_path);
+    {
+        Aml *crs;
+        aml_append(cpu_ctrl_dev,
+            aml_name_decl("_HID", aml_eisaid("PNP0A06")));
+        aml_append(cpu_ctrl_dev,
+            aml_name_decl("_UID", aml_string("CPU Hotplug resources")));
+        aml_append(cpu_ctrl_dev, aml_mutex(CPU_LOCK, 0));
+        crs = aml_resource_template();
+        aml_append(crs, aml_io(AML_DECODE16, io_base, io_base, 1,
+                               ACPI_CPU_HOTPLUG_REG_LEN));
+        aml_append(cpu_ctrl_dev, aml_name_decl("_CRS", crs));
+        /* declare CPU hotplug MMIO region with related access fields */
+        aml_append(cpu_ctrl_dev,
+            aml_operation_region("PRST", AML_SYSTEM_IO, aml_int(io_base),
+                                 ACPI_CPU_HOTPLUG_REG_LEN));
+        field = aml_field("PRST", AML_BYTE_ACC, AML_NOLOCK,
+                          AML_WRITE_AS_ZEROS);
+        aml_append(field, aml_reserved_field(ACPI_CPU_FLAGS_OFFSET_RW * 8));
+        /* 1 if enabled, read only */
+        aml_append(field, aml_named_field(CPU_ENABLED, 1));
+        /* (read) 1 if has a insert event. (write) 1 to clear event */
+        aml_append(field, aml_named_field(CPU_INSERT_EVENT, 1));
+        /* (read) 1 if has a remove event. (write) 1 to clear event */
+        aml_append(field, aml_named_field(CPU_REMOVE_EVENT, 1));
+        /* initiates device eject, write only */
+        aml_append(field, aml_named_field(CPU_EJECT_EVENT, 1));
+        aml_append(cpu_ctrl_dev, field);
+        field = aml_field("PRST", AML_DWORD_ACC, AML_NOLOCK, AML_PRESERVE);
+        /* CPU selector, write only */
+        aml_append(field, aml_named_field(CPU_SELECTOR, 32));
+        aml_append(cpu_ctrl_dev, field);
+    }
+    aml_append(sb_scope, cpu_ctrl_dev);
     cpus_dev = aml_device("\\_SB.CPUS");
         int i;
+        Aml *one = aml_int(1);
+        Aml *cpu_selector = aml_name("%s.%s", cphp_res_path, CPU_SELECTOR);
+        Aml *ins_evt = aml_name("%s.%s", cphp_res_path, CPU_INSERT_EVENT);
+        Aml *rm_evt = aml_name("%s.%s", cphp_res_path, CPU_REMOVE_EVENT);
+        Aml *ej_evt = aml_name("%s.%s", cphp_res_path, CPU_EJECT_EVENT);
+        Aml *is_enabled = aml_name("%s.%s", cphp_res_path, CPU_ENABLED);
+        Aml *ctrl_lock = aml_name("%s.%s", cphp_res_path, CPU_LOCK);
         aml_append(cpus_dev, aml_name_decl("_HID", aml_string("ACPI0010")));
         aml_append(cpus_dev, aml_name_decl("_CID", aml_eisaid("PNP0A05")));
+        method = aml_method(CPU_NOTIFY_METHOD, 2, AML_NOTSERIALIZED);
+        for (i = 0; i < arch_ids->len; i++) {
+            Aml *cpu = aml_name(CPU_NAME_FMT, i);
+            Aml *uid = aml_arg(0);
+            Aml *event = aml_arg(1);
+            ifctx = aml_if(aml_equal(uid, aml_int(i)));
+            {
+                aml_append(ifctx, aml_notify(cpu, event));
+            }
+            aml_append(method, ifctx);
+        }
+        aml_append(cpus_dev, method);
+        method = aml_method(CPU_STS_METHOD, 1, AML_SERIALIZED);
+        {
+            Aml *idx = aml_arg(0);
+            Aml *sta = aml_local(0);
+            aml_append(method, aml_acquire(ctrl_lock, 0xFFFF));
+            aml_append(method, aml_store(idx, cpu_selector));
+            aml_append(method, aml_store(zero, sta));
+            ifctx = aml_if(aml_equal(is_enabled, one));
+            {
+                aml_append(ifctx, aml_store(aml_int(0xF), sta));
+            }
+            aml_append(method, ifctx);
+            aml_append(method, aml_release(ctrl_lock));
+            aml_append(method, aml_return(sta));
+        }
+        aml_append(cpus_dev, method);
+        method = aml_method(CPU_EJECT_METHOD, 1, AML_SERIALIZED);
+        {
+            Aml *idx = aml_arg(0);
+            aml_append(method, aml_acquire(ctrl_lock, 0xFFFF));
+            aml_append(method, aml_store(idx, cpu_selector));
+            aml_append(method, aml_store(one, ej_evt));
+            aml_append(method, aml_release(ctrl_lock));
+        }
+        aml_append(cpus_dev, method);
+        method = aml_method(CPU_SCAN_METHOD, 0, AML_SERIALIZED);
+        {
+            Aml *else_ctx;
+            Aml *while_ctx;
+            Aml *idx = aml_local(0);
+            Aml *eject_req = aml_int(3);
+            Aml *dev_chk = aml_int(1);
+            Aml *cpus_count = aml_int(arch_ids->len);
+            aml_append(method, aml_acquire(ctrl_lock, 0xFFFF));
+            aml_append(method, aml_store(zero, idx));
+            while_ctx = aml_while(aml_lless(idx, cpus_count));
+            {
+                 aml_append(while_ctx, aml_store(idx, cpu_selector));
+                 ifctx = aml_if(aml_equal(ins_evt, one));
+                 {
+                     aml_append(ifctx,
+                         aml_call2(CPU_NOTIFY_METHOD, idx, dev_chk));
+                     aml_append(ifctx, aml_store(one, ins_evt));
+                 }
+                 aml_append(while_ctx, ifctx);
+                 else_ctx = aml_else();
+                 ifctx = aml_if(aml_equal(rm_evt, one));
+                 {
+                     aml_append(ifctx,
+                         aml_call2(CPU_NOTIFY_METHOD, idx, eject_req));
+                     aml_append(ifctx, aml_store(one, rm_evt));
+                 }
+                 aml_append(else_ctx, ifctx);
+                 aml_append(while_ctx, else_ctx);
+                 aml_append(while_ctx, aml_add(idx, one, idx));
+            }
+            aml_append(method, while_ctx);
+            aml_append(method, aml_release(ctrl_lock));
+        }
+        aml_append(cpus_dev, method);
         /* build Processor object for each processor */
         for (i = 0; i < arch_ids->len; i++) {
             Aml *dev;
             Aml *uid = aml_int(i);
+            GArray *madt_buf = g_array_new(0, 1, 1);
             int arch_id = arch_ids->cpus[i].arch_id;
             if (acpi1_compat && arch_id < 255) {
@@ -235,11 +389,40 @@ void build_cpus_aml(Aml *table, MachineState *machine, 
bool acpi1_compat)
                 aml_append(dev, aml_name_decl("_UID", uid));
+            method = aml_method("_STA", 0, AML_SERIALIZED);
+            aml_append(method, aml_return(aml_call1(CPU_STS_METHOD, uid)));
+            aml_append(dev, method);
+            /* build _MAT object */
+            assert(adevc && adevc->madt_cpu);
+            adevc->madt_cpu(adev, i, arch_ids, madt_buf);
+            switch (madt_buf->data[0]) {
+            case ACPI_APIC_PROCESSOR: {
+                AcpiMadtProcessorApic *apic = (void *)madt_buf->data;
+                apic->flags = cpu_to_le32(1);
+                break;
+            }
+            default:
+                assert(0);
+            }
+            aml_append(dev, aml_name_decl("_MAT",
+                aml_buffer(madt_buf->len, (uint8_t *)madt_buf->data)));
+            g_array_free(madt_buf, true);
+            method = aml_method("_EJ0", 1, AML_NOTSERIALIZED);
+            aml_append(method, aml_call1(CPU_EJECT_METHOD, uid));
+            aml_append(dev, method);
             aml_append(cpus_dev, dev);
     aml_append(sb_scope, cpus_dev);
     aml_append(table, sb_scope);
+    method = aml_method(event_handler_method, 0, AML_NOTSERIALIZED);
+    aml_append(method, aml_call0("\\_SB.CPUS." CPU_SCAN_METHOD));
+    aml_append(table, method);
+    g_free(cphp_res_path);
diff --git a/hw/i386/acpi-build.c b/hw/i386/acpi-build.c
index 47d4182..c62c020 100644
--- a/hw/i386/acpi-build.c
+++ b/hw/i386/acpi-build.c
@@ -1949,7 +1949,8 @@ build_dsdt(GArray *table_data, GArray *linker,
     if (pm->legacy_cpu_hp) {
         build_legacy_cpu_hotplug_aml(dsdt, machine, pm->cpu_hp_io_base);
     } else {
-        build_cpus_aml(dsdt, machine, true);
+        build_cpus_aml(dsdt, machine, true,
+                       "\\_SB.PCI0", "\\_GPE._E02", pm->cpu_hp_io_base);
     build_memory_hotplug_aml(dsdt, nr_mem, pm->mem_hp_io_base,
diff --git a/include/hw/acpi/cpu.h b/include/hw/acpi/cpu.h
index ca32e07..0346f24 100644
--- a/include/hw/acpi/cpu.h
+++ b/include/hw/acpi/cpu.h
@@ -45,7 +45,9 @@ void acpi_cpu_unplug_cb(CPUHotplugState *cpu_st,
 void cpu_hotplug_hw_init(MemoryRegion *as, Object *owner,
                          CPUHotplugState *state, hwaddr base_addr);
-void build_cpus_aml(Aml *table, MachineState *machine, bool apci1_compat);
+void build_cpus_aml(Aml *table, MachineState *machine, bool apci1_compat,
+                    const char *res_root, const char *event_handler_method,
+                    hwaddr io_base);
 extern const VMStateDescription vmstate_cpu_hotplug;
 #define VMSTATE_CPU_HOTPLUG(cpuhp, state) \

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